A FRIEND WHO IS GOD In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit is not introduced so much as a companion as an enabling power of God. He was often called the Spirit of God or the breath of God, and is noticed as making people do extraordinary things in the name of God. This characterization went on well into the Earthly days of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then He began to draw attention to the Holy Spirit as far more than an impersonal force, but as God. He told the disciples also that they knew the Holy Spirit because He had been WITH them, but would come to be IN them after His ascension. The Holy Spirit would take from the Father and Him, the Son, and teach them, counsel them, comfort them, fill them with power to witness about Him (in message, miracles and manner of life). After the Lord's ascension, the Holy Spirit comes like a mighty rushing wind and like fire, and they are immediately transformed into bold witnesses with a community life that abhors any form of sin. Miracles also...