Born at Home (Under Lockdown)
The church was actually born in a house (Acts 2:2). The disciples had fallen into the habit of LOCKING themselves up because of the fear of persecution (John 20:19). On the day the Holy Spirit came, the disciples had gathered in a house, not the temple, and throughout the New Testament, you would not hear of the church putting up even a single building! Yet the church flourished.
Thriving at Home
Apostle Paul, who wrote about 13 of the 27 books in the New Testament, in his letters often made mention of churches in the homes. In his letter to the Romans (16) alone, he made mention specifically of the church in the home of Priscilla, and of a collection of other Christians in a number of named households.
Fully Functional at Home
What can the church in the temple do that the church at the household or family level cannot do? To answer this question well, let's ask what the church does. The church's main occupation is PREACHING REPENTANCE FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS IN JESUS' NAME in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, as people who have experienced (WITNESSED) the truthfulness of the message they preach (Luke 24:44-49). They did this through holding on to the following, according to Acts 2:42-47:
1. Apostles' Teachings
2. Fellowshipping
3. Prayer
4. Breaking of Bread
Remembering, therefore that the Lord Himself said where two or three gather in His name there He is in their midst, it is clear that all four can be done fully at the household level. In fact Temple meeting in the time of Christ was not relevant for anything more than these for Christians. It was the Jews who needed Temple meeting for the sake of their burnt offerings, etc. in addition.
How the Church at Home is Like
How is the church in the home like? Aps Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, likes alluding to a' scheme of the father being the de facto pastor, the wife or mother being the Osofomaame and the children and the rest being the officers and members according to their gifts and levels of maturity. What an optimal way of deploying the people of God!
The Role of Ordained Officers
Elders and other leaders were appointed to oversee the early churches that generally met at the household level. One of their key qualifications was that they should GOVERN their OWN HOMES WELL (1 Tim. 3:4-6). Where necessary, some were sent around to help teach, send circular letters and receive and distribute gifts. Large halls were rented mainly only for public teachings, which were largely evangelical in nature.
Always Legal Even Under Restrictions
Who can stop a family or household from gathering to eat or hold conversation? Who can prevent a family from receiving one or two guests even under severe restrictions? If no one, then in the name of what can anyone stop a household from gathering to STUDY THE WORD OF GOD or to PRAY? Granted, the latter can involve some higher noise nuisance in the absence of good discretion, but this can always be very easily restored.
End of Fake Christianity
We have abundance of absentee and non-functioning Christians when we confine church at only the temple level. Indeed some seem to have confused being a Christian with being identified with a particular church building. When the church is being held at your house, how can you be absent?
May the Covid-19 invasion end very soon. Until then, may our full compliance with all legal restrictions not rob us of a single inch of our effectiveness as SALT and LIGHT to the world, especially in its most trying moments. Plus, I dare say that if the church can thrive under Covid-19 restrictions, it can thrive under any other kind of restriction in any nation of the world.


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