Jesus exposes the six usual characteristics of empty religion in His encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well, as recounted in John 4.

1. Excuses

To the simple request of “Will you give me a drink”, the Samaritan woman disguises her stinginess by citing an age-long viewpoint that would take ages to untangle. How typical of the reasons merely religious people give for not doing good to others!

2. Ascription of Arrogance to Christ's Supernatural Power

"Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this well...?, she quizzed, when the Lord told her of the living water He is capable of giving. How many times have merely religious people not sought to scorn Jesus' Divinity, infallibility, vicarious death, resurrection, ascension, and His giving of the Holy Spirit and eternal life to those who believe in Him?

3. Flattering Speech

“Sir, give me this water so I won't get thirsty...”, she phrased her request as if she had fully understood what Jesus was talking about. Clearly, at that point her sincere question should have been, “Please what is this water that never runs out?” Merely religious people tend not to open up to be taught when they see clearly that the discussion has moved beyond the shallow perceptions they had built their lives upon all along. They would rather be cheeky or just sound right, hoping to either be affirmed in their error or be left alone.

4. Concealment of Faults

“I have no husband” is “true”, coming from a woman who might have lost five and is currently living with a man she is not married to. But clearly this “truth” covers far more than it reveals, as it would mean a very different thing to another man who might be romantically interested in her. Do merely religious people really care to be transparent by the “truth” they speak, or they hope their hearers will get the other meaning of the “truth” they speak to soothe their bruised consciences?!

5. Agreeable Discrimination

“Our fathers worshiped [God] on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship [God] is in Jerusalem", was her diversion when her insincerity was exposed. Merely religious people insist that although we must stand divided on our approach to worship, we all worship the same God. How false, as Jesus replied squarely: “You Samaritans worship what you do not know ...for salvation is from the Jews" The differences in our worship is clear confirmation that we do not worship the same God.

6. Unthinkable Doubting

“Could this be the Christ?” is the Samaritan Woman’s further look around for a confirmation of the true identity of the Messiah she had encountered. The explanations Jesus gave her reminded her of what she had already heard of the Deliverer. His compassionate revelations of her hidden truths made her no longer afraid to confess her sins in public. She was testifying of the Lord, and her testimony was bringing people to the Lord, yet she was still asking whether she had met Christ, the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD! How entrapping is EMPTY RELIGION! Thankfully, the Samaritans who came out of the town to see and listen to Jesus tasted Him and confirmed that "This man really is the Savior of the world".


Empty religion hides much as it seeks to hold down its adherents apparently through their own consent. Jesus, the Light of the world, exposes them all and liberates from its elaborate shackles. The love of Jesus pursued the Samaritan woman from her initial excuses to the assurance of her own converts that she had indeed met the Messiah. In bringing Christ to others, especially those already involved in other religions, we must watch out for these “strongholds” and carefully snatch them out of the jaws of eternal death.

#NoReligion #WhyIFollowJesus #WIFJ


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