When I begin playing to and for the Lord ... It will happen (for now, I write and sing)

 In celebration of the 50,000th view of my blog, I publish all my song in circulation alphabetically (black) and translated (blue). Thanks for visiting my blog. 

All our weaknesses consume
Let our shortcomings disappear
And let Christ shine greatly in us
You alone can do this
Fill us Holy Spirit
Fill us, O Power Divine
Fill us till we overflow

Taforo yεn mmrεwyε nyina’ra
Na ma yεn sintɔ nyinaa nyera
Ma Kristo nhyerεn kεse yεn mu
Wo nko na wutumi yε eyi
Hyε yεn ma, Honhom Kronkron
Hyε yεn ma, Onyame Tumi
Hyε yεn ma mmoroso

Asaase ne n’ade dodow
Nyina’ra Yehowa dea
Mu nnipa ne wɔn agyapade nyinaa
Yε N’adwuma

2. Wo a woyε Yehowa dea
Fa Wo ho to Yehowa so
Srε W’ade nyinaa fi Ne hɔ, na ade nyinaa
Yehowa dea

3. Ɛmma ɔkɔm anaa ohia
Nntwe wo mmfi Yehowa ho
Srε W’ade nyinaa fi Ne hɔ, na ade nyinaa
Yehowa dea

All the earth and everything that’s
In the world belong to God
All the people and whatever they may own
Belong to Him

All you who belong to God
Must rely upon the Lord
Ask Him for all that you need, for all things
Belong to God

Do not let hunger and want
Ever draw you away from God
Ask Him for all that you need, for all things
Belong to God

Di hene wɔ m’akoma mu
Di hene wɔ W’asafo mu
Ma nnipa nyinaa nhu Wo dom
Di hene, Asomdwoe Hene
Di hene wɔ akoma biara mu
Di hene wɔ wiase aman nyinaa m’
Ma W’asomdwoe nkata asaase so nyinaa
Di hene, Asomdwoe Hene

(Lord,) reign here in my heart
(Lord.) reign here in Your church
Let all the peoples see Your grace
O reign here, Prince of peace
Reign in every heart
Reign in every land
And let Your peace cover the earth
O reign here, Prince of peace

Din bεn na wɔde ama wɔ nnipa mu
Sε wɔmfa nnye nnipa nkwa?
Edin bεn na εwɔ tumi?
Tumi bεn na yεnnte aseε yi?
Ɛyε Awurade Yesu Kristo Din
Nea Onyan fii awufo mu n’

What name is given here among all men
And by which men must be saved?
Oh what name has got all pow’r?
Oh what pow’r beyond compare!
It is the mighty Name of Jesus Christ
Who rose up from the dead

Domfo Nyame a W’adom agye yεn nkwa
Ma yenhu W’anuonyam a εwɔ yεn so
Na yεatwe yεn ho afi nea εnteε nyinaa ho
Na yεatew yεn ho ama Wo, Asafo Yehowa

Na yεatwe yεn ho afi nea εnteε nyinaa ho
Na yεatew yεn ho ama Wo, Asafo Yehowa

2. W’akwankyerε mu na yegyae bɔne yε
Kyerεkyerε yεn, kyerε yεn nea ahintaw yεn
Na sε yεayε bɔne bi a yεannyε bio
Na yεatew yεn ho ama Wo Asafo Yehowa

3. Ma yεnkae W’adɔe, ma yεnkae Wo dom, ne Wo mmɔborohunu
Ma yenhu yεn ho sεnea Wo hu yεn
Na yεatwe yεn ho afi nea εnteε nyinaa ho
Na yεatew yεn ho ama Wo, Asafo Yehowa

Gracious God, You saved us Your by grace
Reveal Your glory upon us

(And) we will depart from all impurity
(And) we will be set apart for You, Lord of Hosts

In Your guidance our sin we’ve forsaken
Show us, and reveal what is hidden
And we will sin no more as we did
And we will be set apart for You, our Saviour God

Remind us of love, grace and mercy
Help us see ourselves as You do
(And) we will depart from all impurity
(And) we will be set apart for You, Lord of Hosts

Enkaa ade papa bi a Wode a kame me o
Meda W’ ase o, daa
Ɛnkaa ade papa bi a Wode a kame me o
Meda W’ ase o, daa

Meda W’ase o, daa
Meda W’ ase o, daa
Ɛnkaa ade papa bi a Wode a kame me o
Ɛnkaa ade papa bi a Wode a kame me o

2. Wasoma Wo Dɔba koro no, Woama me daa nkwa
Meda W’ ase o, daa
Wokum Jesus Christ maa me, Woama me daa nkwa
Meda W’ ase o, daa

3. M’adifi ne fieba mu Wobɔ me ho ban
Meda W’ ase o, daa
M’akwantu nyina’ra mu, Wode me bedu fie
Meda W’ ase o, daa

There is no good thing that You have kept from me
I will forever thank You
There is no good thing that You have kept from me
I will forever thank You

I will forever thank You
I will forever thank You
There is no good thing that You have kept from me
I will forever thank You

2You sent Your beloved Son, You gave me endless life
I will forever thank You
Christ Jesus was slain for me, You gave me endless life
I will forever thank You

3.In my going and coming, You keep me safe
I will forever thank You
Throughout all my journey, You will bring me Home
I will forever thank You

Eyε Yesu ayeyidwom
Na εrebobom wɔ me kra mu
Ɔde me mfomso nyina’ ra afri me
W’abu me bem N’ahenni mu
Ɔde me mmusu nyina ‘ra kɔ
Wabubu bɔne kɔnnua mu
Wama made me ho
Mεto N’ayeyidwom
Mεto N’ayeyidwom no daa
Mεto N’ayeyinnwom
Yesu ayeyinnwom
Mεto N’ayeyinnwom
Na matena ase ama no

A song of praise unto Jesus
Is bubbling in my heart
All of my sins He has forgiven
I’m justified in His domain
He took all my curses away
He destroyed the yoke of sin
Now He has set me free
I will sing praise to Him
I’ll sing His praise forever more
I will sing His praise
Songs of praise to Jesus
I will sing His praise
And I will live for Him

Fi abɔde mfiase kosi n’awieiε
Won a Woyε yεn Nyamkopɔn
Tete botantim a yεtwere Wo a yεr’mmpa da
ɔnokwafo Agya e, Yεda W’ ase

Yεde Yεakoma nyinaa da W’ ase,
Yehowa, Yehowa, yεn Nyankopɔn
Yεde yεabrabɔ bεhyε W’anuonyam
Mprenpren Boafo, W’adɔeε so

2. Woahyε yεn bɔ sε Wone yεn wɔ hɔ
De kosi wiase awieiε
Woatew yεn ho de yεn a yε Wode
Ɔkronkronni e, yεda W’ase

From creation through all generations
You alone have been our God
Our Ancient Rock that will never fail
Faithful Father, we thank You

We thank You with all our hearts
O Lord, O Lord, our God
We will glorify You with our lives
Our Present Help, great is Your love

2. You promised You are always with us
Until end of the age
You sanctified, made us Your own
Holy One, we thank You

Growing in me is His nature
The nature of my Father
Growing in me is the nature
Of Him who gave me new birth
To be like Him in every way
To be like Him alone
Growing in me is the nature
Of my Father in Heaven

M’Agya Ne suban
Ne suban no renyin me mu
Nea ɔwoo me foforo no
Na m’asε N’ ade nyinaa m’
Na m’asε ɔno nkutoo
Ne suban no renyin me mu
M’Agya a ɔwɔ soro no

Gya bi redεw wɔ m’akoma mu
Ɛyε Pentekoste gya n’
Mεma Wo gya n’ akɔ so adεw wɔ me mu
‘Ma wiase nyinaa ahu Wo
Tena yεn mu, tena yεn mu
Keka Wo ho yεn mu daa
Wɔ Honhom Kronkron no Koroyε mu
Yegyae yεn ho m’ ma Wo koraa

There is fire burning within my heart
It’s the fire of Pentecost
Will fan Your fire ever burning in me
Till the whole world come to You
Abide, abide
And move always in us
In the oneness of the Holy Ghost
We surrender to Your will

Home Wo nkwa foforo gu yεn mu
Boa yεn nnε da yi, Awurade
Kanyan yεn ma yεnka W’asεm ara
Wo no ara ne yεn ahoɔden
Ma asorɔkye biara a εbεbɔ n’
Mma yεnkɔ yεanim ara
Ma ahum biara a ebetu n’
Mma yεn gya nnεw fram ara
Ma yεmfa ntaban mforo sε akɔre
Ama aman nyinaa aba wo nwin n’ ase

Breathe Your new life into us
And help us today, O Lord
Revive us to speak forth Your word
For You are our only strength
Let the waves that come
Only move us ahead
Let the storms that rise
Fan our fire into flames
Let us mount up with wings like eagles
To draw every nation to Your shade

Honhom Kronkron, ma yεn koroyε
Hyε yεn den wɔ ɔsom mu
Bue y’ ani ma yenhu Yesu
Na yεyε W’asomfo

Yεwɔ Wo atwεneε mu
Wowɔ yεn ho abotrε
Hu yεn nyina’ra mmɔbɔ
Na amma ɔbonsam antetew yεn mu

Ma yεn nnamyε ne mmaninyε
Na yεmfa nka nsεmpa n’
Tene Wo nsa sa nyarewa
Yε anwonwade ahorow pii

Holy Spirit, give us oneness
Make us strong in service
Open our eyes to see Jesus
For we are Your servants

We are waiting here upon You
You are so patient with us
Have mercy upon us all
Let not Satan separate us

2. Give us zealousness with virtue
To preach the good news
Stretch Your hand to heal the sick
And do signs and wonders

Hwehwε yεn mu na tew yεn ho
Na Wo ngosra atena yεn so
Yεyε nnipa Woyε Onyame
Na Wo hu yεn sen sε yehu yεn ho
Yεn sintɔ da W’anim adagyaw
Horo yεn Owura, na mmrε yεn

Na bɔne bi ansuma yεn
Sε yare bi  a εbεsεe yεn
Yi yεn mfomso nyina’ra ntεn
Ɔdεefo e, na tew yεn ho
Ɔdεefo e, Mmεmmrε yεn

2. Sε W’adwuma yi bεkɔ so
Sε Wo din benya anuonyam
Sε abɔnefo behu Wo kwan a
Gyesε Wo manfo bɔ ahotew bra
Sε ahantan, akɔnnɔ ne nnaadaa
Wia yεn a, mma enhintaw yεn

3. Ma yεmfa asomdwoe mfi W’anim nkɔ
Mfa nnamyε nkɔ yεn adwuma so
Sε apaafo pa a wɔn wur ani sɔ wɔn
Na Wo nni asεm biara wɔ yεn ho
Ma yεn koma a εdwo wɔ W’anim
Boa yεn, Owura, Kaekae yεn W’asεm

Search us Lord , purify us
Let Your anointing be on us
We are human; You are God
And You know us better than we do
All our shortcomings are before You
Wash us, Master, be not weary of us

Then no sin will hide in us
Like a disease to destroy us
Rebuke us for all our sins
Dependable Lord, purify us
Dependable Lord, be not weary of us

2. If Your work will still move ahead
If Your name will be glorified
If the weary will find Your Way
Your own people must live aright
Whenever pride, lust and deceit
Seek to steal, hide it not from us

3. Let’s depart with peace in our hearts
With zeal to do what You require
Like good servants please their Lord
Wholly innocent in Your eyes
Grant us gentle hearts in Your sight
Help us, Master, to keep Your word

Hyia me, Awurade
Na wɔn a wohyia me no
Ahyia Wo, Awurade
Hyia me, Yesu
Hyia me, me Nyankopɔn
Hyia me, Awurade
Na wɔna wohyia me no
Ahyia Wo, Awurade

Meet with me, O Lord
And let all who meet with me
Meet with You, O Lord
Meet with me, O Lord
Meet with me, O Lord my God
Meet with me, O Lord
And let all who meet with me
Meet with You, O Lord

Ma mennantew sεne Jesus nantewee
Ma mensom sεnea ɔsomee
Ama mede meho nyinaa ama W’ koraa
Wɔ Wo frε adwuma yi mu

Ma Wo mmayε nna adi wɔ me mu
Ma Wo mmayε nna adi wɔ me mu
Ma Wo Honhom Kronkrom nhyε me ma
Na ma Wo mmayε nna adi wɔ me mu

Me wura Yesu, ɔbrεε Ne ho ase
Nantewee Ne mudi nyinaa mu
Okyin yεε yie, yεε anwonwade pii
Awurade, hyε me ma mmoroso

Let me walk just as Jesus walked
Let me serve just as He served
That I may give my whole being to You
In this work You’ve appointed for me

Let Your fullness be seen in me
Let Your fullness be seen in me
Let Your Holy Spirit fill me now
And Let Your fullness be seen in me

2. My Lord Jesus, how Himself He humbled
Walked completely in His perfection
He went about doing good and wonders
Fill me Lord, till I overflow

Ma W’adom no mmera yεn so
Ma W’adom no mmera yεn so
Ma Wo Honshom nkanyan yεn
Ma Wo ngosra mmera yεn so
Ma W’asεm no nkyerε yεn kwan
Ma Wo gya no nsɔ yεn ano
Yehowa, fa Wo tum’ no ma yεn
Na yεagyina ama Wo daa

Let Your grace come upon us
Let Your grace come upon us
Let Your Spirit revive us
Let Your anointing fall on us
Let Your Word teach us Your way
Let Your fire touch our lips
O Lord, give us Your power
To be steadfast for You

Ma Wo ngosra mmera yεn so
Ma W’adom no nnɔɔso
Ma Wo Tumi Kronkron no
Ntena Yεn so

Let Your anointing fall on us
Let Your grace abound
Let Your Holy Power
Dwell upon us
Mafrε wo afi abusua kɔntɔnkye mu
Mede w’anan asisi ɔbotan so
Mede M'asεm ahyε w'akomam
Domfo Awurade ne me, Domfo
Domfo Awurade ne me, Domfo
Domfo Awurade ne me, Domfo

2. Woafrε m' afi abusua kɔntɔnkye mu
Wode m'anan asisi ɔbotan so
Na wode W'asεm ahyε m'akomam
Domfo Awurade ne Wo, Domfo
Domfo Awurade ne Wo, Domfo
Domfo Awurade ne Wo, Domfo

3. Mede me nkwa ne me bra bɔ afore ma W’
M'adifi ,me fieba ne m'asetena
Ma me nsa ano adwuma nhyε W’ anuonyam
Domfo Awurade, εnhyε W’ anuonyam
Domfo Awurade ne Wo, Domfo
Domfo Awurade ne Wo, Domfo

From a crooked generation I called you
And set your feet down on a solid rock
I have put my word into your heart
Gracious Lord I am, Gracious!
Gracious Lord I am, Gracious!
Gracious Lord I am, Gracious!

2. From a crooked generation You called me
And set my feet down on a solid rock
You have put my word into your heart
Gracious Lord You are, Gracious!
Gracious Lord You are, Gracious!
Gracious Lord You are, Gracious!

3. To You I sacrifice my life and ways
My going and coming and living
Let the works of my hands glorify You
Gracious Lord You are, Gracious!
Gracious Lord You are, Gracious!
Gracious Lord You are, Gracious!

Momma yenni Yesu ho nkɔmmɔ
Yenni Yesu ho nkɔmmɔ nnε
Yenni Yesu ho nkɔmmɔ ɔkyena
Momma yenni Yesu ho nkɔmmɔ
Yenni Yesu ho nkɔmmɔ daa

1.Yesu yε Onyame ba
Asomdwoe Hene
Wiase Agyenkwa
Ne me Nyankopɔn
Yenni Yesu ho nkɔmmɔ daa

2. Yesu a ofi soro bae
Wannyε bɔne
Na wokum no
Nso Wasɔre
Waforo kɔ soro na ɔbεsan aba bio
Yenni Yesu ho nkɔmmɔ daa

Let us talk, let’s talk about Jesus
Talk about Him today
Talk about Him tomorrow
Let us talk, let’s talk about Jesus
Let’s talk about Jesus always

1. Jesus, the Son of God
Wonderful One
Great Counselor
The Prince of peace
Savior of the world
He’s my Lord and my God
Let’s talk about Jesus always

2. Jesus came from on high
Lived without sin
Was crucified
Arose from the dead
He’s gone above
And is coming again
Let’s talk about Jesus always

My heart is ready, Lord I am willing
Make me a vessel of Your salvation
Break me and melt me, mould me and fill me
Use me for service, make me do Your will

I love You, I love You; I desire no other
I love You, I love You; I desire no other

2. Over the mountains, down through the valleys
Since You are with me, where won’t I venture
Through the countryside, across the nations
Filled with Your Spirit, what won’t I venture

M’akoma ayε krado; Awurade, yiw, mepε
Fa me yε W’ nkwagye ho adwinade
Bubu me, nane me, nwene me, hyε me ma
Fa me yε adwuma, ma me nyε Wo pε

Medɔ Wo, medɔ Wo; M’ani nnyina biribiara bio
Medɔ Wo, medɔ Wo; M’ani nnyina biribiara bio

2. Mmepɔw nyinaa so, mmonka nyinaa mu
Woka me ho yi, he na meremfa
Nkuraase nyinaa ne aman horow so
Wo Honhom hyε me ma a, dεn na merenyε

Mεto dwom ama Yehowa
Mεma me nne so ahyira Ne din daa
Mεma me nsa so
Ahyε N’anuonyam
Na mεto dwom ama Yehowa
Na mεto dwom ama Yehowa

Bra ma yεmfa aseda nkɔ N’abengua so
Sεnea Dawid bere so wɔyε maa Yehowa
Wɔde mmεnta, nsanku
Ɛne mpintin so dwom
Na edii asaw εmaa Yehowa
Na edii asaw εmaa Yehowa

Media saw ama Yehowa
Metwa me nana se kakra ahyε N’anuonyam
Mede’n benkum, nifa, εne akyea kakra
Na medi asaw ama Yehowa
Na medi asaw ama Yehowa

I will sing unto the Lord,
I will lift up my voice and forever bless His Name
I will raise up my hands to give Him glory
And I will sing unto the Lord
And I will sing unto the Lord

Come, let’s bring thanksgiving to His courts
Like in David’s days, they did for the Lord
With music on strings and harps, all the way
O how they danced unto the Lord!
O how they danced unto the Lord!

I will dance unto the Lord
Moving on my feet, I will glorify the Lord
To the left, to the right, and with a little bend
O I will dance unto the Lord
O I will dance unto the Lord

Ne yam hyehye no ma wo
Ne yam hyehye no ma wo
Ampa ara Yehowa, ɔdɔ wo dodo
Ne yam hyehye no ma wo

1. Ampa ara Yehowa, ɔdɔ wo dodo
ɔmanehunu a bɔne atwa wo asu
ɔnam Yesu so refrε wo aba fie
Ne dɔ ano yε den ma wo

2. Agya Onyankopɔn dɔ obiara
Enti na ɔmaa Yesu wui maa wiase
Nea ogye No di n’ renkɔ daa amane m’
Nyame ayamhyehye no nti

He has compassion for you
He has compassion for you
Truly, the Lord loves you so much
He has compassion for you

Truly, the Lord loves you so much
O weary soul, cut off by sin
Through Jesus Christ, He is calling you home
So strong is His love for you

2. God the Father loves everyone
He sent Jesus to die for the world
Who so believes will not be condemned
Compassionate is the Lord

Owɔ me mu sε nkwamafo
Ɔwɔ me mu sε Ɔyaresafo
Ɔwɔ me mu sε Ɔkwankyerεfo
Yesu yε M’ade nyinaa

He is in me as Giver of Life
He is in me as the Healer
He is in me as Daily Guide
Jesus is my everything

Since I fell in love with Jesus
I’ve been all about His business
He has been my all
Counselor and Lord
I seek nothing but His interest
I do no work lest it’s for Jesus
I’m in love with Jesus
He has proved He loves me well

My Lord, I love You
My Lord, I love You
My Lord, I love You
You have proved Your love for me

Fi bere a metɔɔ Yesu dɔ mu n’
N’ade nko ara na meyε
W’ayε made nyinaa
Ofotufo ne Awurade
Nea ehia no nko ara na ehia me
Yesu adwuma nko ara na meyε
Matɔ Yesu dɔ mu
Wakyerε sε ɔdɔ me yie

Me Wura, medɔ Wo
Me Wura, medɔ Wo
Me Wura, medɔ Wo
W’ayi Wo dɔ paa akyerε me

Sε mehwε Wo dɔ a Wode dɔ me no a
Ɛma me daa nkwa mu anidaso
Sε Wo yi Wo dɔ a Wode dɔ me no a
Bɔne nti mεbɔ asesa

2. Wode W’ankasa wo nne na εfrεε
Na midii Wo dɔ n’ akyi baa Wo nkyεn
M’abenya daa nkwa mu anidaso a
Ɛma me nante trenee mu

3. Fa Wo dɔ nne so ne me nkasa daa
Na mahu nea Woreyε na mayε bi
Na masow aba pii wɔ me bere yi so
‘Ma afoforɔ anya nkwa anidaso

When I consider Your love for me
It gives me hope of eternal life
Should You take Your love away from me
Sin would make me wander away.

2. You called me with Your very own voice
And I followed Your love and came to You
To find the hope of eternal life
I am walking in righteousness

3. Let Your voice of love always speak to me
So I should see and do what You would do
To bear much fruit in my generation
Bringing others the hope of glory

Sε wo hyia ɔbrεfo bi a
Ka Yesu ho asεm kyerε no
Nsεe wo mmere wɔ nkɔmmɔ hunu mu
Ka Ɔgyefo no ho asεm kyerε no
Sε otie a ka kyerε no
Sε wantie a ka kyerε no
Sε obisa a ka kyerε no
Na εbεyε nkwa ama no

Sε wo hyia ɔbrεfo bi a
Ka Yesu ho asεm kyerε no

2. Sε wo hyia ɔbrεfo bi a
Ka Yesu ho asεm kyerε no
Sε wo hyia ɔyarefo bi a
Ka Ɔyaresafo  no ho asεm kyerε no
Anɔpa a ka kyerε no
Awia a ka kyerε no
Anwumere a ka kyerε no
Na εbεyε ɔgye ama no

3. Sε wo hyia ɔkobɔfo bi a
Ka Daa Agya no ho asεm kyerε no
Sε wo hyia ɔyerafo bi a
Ka Ɔkwan Koro no ho asεm kyerε no
Sε obisa a ka kyerε no
Sε wammisa a ka kyerε no
Sε ɔhwehwε a kakyerε no
Na εbεyε Hann ama no

When you come across a weary soul
Talk about Jesus to him
Waste no time on worthless talk
Talk about the Savior
Talk when he would hear you
Talk when he won’t hear you
Talk when he wants to know
To bring new life to Him

When you come across a weary soul
Talk about Jesus to him

2. When you come across a weary soul
Talk about Jesus to him
When you come across a hurting soul
Talk about the Healer to him
Talk in the morning
Talk in the afternoon
Talk in the evening
To bring healing to him

3. When you come across a homeless soul
Talk about the Eternal Father
When you come across a wayward soul
Talk about the One Way to him
Talk when he wants to know
Talk when he seems to know
Talk when he wants some more
To bring the Light to him

W’adom dɔɔso ma m’ daa nyinaa
W’adom dɔɔso ma me
Wohwε me so sum kabii mu
Wone me tena ahohia mu
W’adom dɔɔso ma m’ daa nyinaa
W’adom dɔɔso ma me

Enough is Your grace to me my Lord
Your grace is sufficient to me
You keep me safe in darkest night
You are with me in troubled times
Enough is Your grace to me my Lord
Your grace is sufficient to me

We believe in You, O Lord
We depend on You alone
What You ask us is what we will do
We believe in You O Lord

2. We will follow You, O Lord
We have heard Your call so clear
Where You lead us is where we will go
We will follow You, O Lord

Yεde yεn ho ato Wo so
Nea Wo se yεn na yεbεyε
Yεgye Wo Yehowa di

2. Yebedi W’, Yehowa akyi
Yεate Wo frε no yiye
Nea Wo kyerε yεn na yεbεkɔ
Yebedi W’akyi, Awurade

We enter Your gates
With thanksgiving in our hearts
We come to Your courts with praise
Thanks be to God!
We enter Your gates
With thanksgiving in our hearts
We come to Your courts with praise

Bεhyεn W’aponkεse mu
Yεde ayeyi ba W’abengua so
Nnaase nka Nyame!
Yεde aseda
Bεhyεn W’aponkεse mu
Yεde ayeyi ba W’abengua so

Wo din mu na yεahyia mu nnε
Bra mu o, ‘Wura Yesu
Honhom Kronkron, mayεn W’ahoɔden
Bra mu o, ‘Wura Yesu
Bra mu, bɔnefafiri mu
Bra mu, ayaresa mu
Bra mu, bεbɔ Yεn asu Honhom Kronkron mu

We have gathered here in Your name
Come in, Lord Jesus
Holy Spirit, come give us Your strength
Come in, Lord Jesus
Come in, come in forgiving
Come in, come in healing
Come in, baptizing us with the Holy Spirit

Wo na metwere Wo, ao Adom Wura
Wo na metwere Wo, ao me Wura
Wo na metwere Wo, ao Adom Wura
Wo na metwere Wo, Yehowa

1. Mekra botantim ne Wo
Merensuro asem bɔne ne da bɔne
Nnipa nnyε m’ahotoso
Na ɔbonsam nntu me koma
Efisε Wo na metwere  Wo, ao Adom Wura
Wo na metwere Wo Yehowa

2. Hwee renhia me
Nea meyε nyinaa bewie yie na agyina
Yiye nko na woahyε ama me
Na yiye na ebedi m’akyi
Efisε Wo na metwere  Wo, ao Adom Wura
Wo na metwere Wo Yehowa

3. Daa nyinaa me wo dεw
Wo dεw  a εyε m’hoɔden no remfi me mu da
Ber’ a mete w’anan ase yi
daa nyinaa mewɔ ahoɔden
Efisε Wo na metwere  Wo, ao Adom Wura
Wo na metwere Wo Yehowa

I depend on You, Gracious Lord
I depend on You, O my Lord
I depend on You, Gracious Lord
I depend on You, Jehovah

1. Stronghold of my soul
I will not fear what evil comes or an evil day
No man is an arm to me
And Satan doesn’t scare me
For I depend on You, Gracious Lord
I depend on You, Jehovah

2. Will I ever want,
When all I do shall prosper and shall remain?
Goodness You ordained for me
And goodness surely follows me
For I depend on You, Gracious Lord
I depend on You, Jehovah

3. Joyful everyday!
Your joy, my strength will never ever go away
While I sit here at Your feet
I have strength for every day
For I depend on You, Gracious Lord
I depend on You, Jehovah

Wo ne Nnipa nyinaa adi no yie
Wode Agyenkwa Yesu akyε yεn
Woyε ɔgyefo kεse
Woyε adom nyinaa Wura
Woyε Nyame mmɔburohunufo

You have been good to every man
Jesus, Our Saviour, is Your gift
You are the Great Redeemer
God of all grace You are
You are the most merciful God

Wo nsam na Yεwɔ, Awurade
Siesie yεn, dom yεn, boa yεn
Wo nsam na Yεwɔ, Awurade
Siesie yεn, dom yεn, boa yεn
Siesie yεn, bεdom yεn
Boa yεn wɔ akwan nyinaa mu
Wo nsam na Yεwɔ, Awurade
Siesie yεn, dom yεn, boa yεn

We are in Your hands, O Lord
Prepare us give us grace and help
We are in Your hands, O lord
Prepare us give us grace and help
Prepare us, give us grace
And help us in every way
We are in Your hands, O Lord
Prepare us give us grace and help

Woama yεn guankɔbea wɔ Wo mfe m’ hɔ
Wo mfe m’ hɔ; Wo mfe m’ hɔ
Woama yεn guankɔbea wɔ Wo mfe m’ hɔ
W’apirakuro no mu

Woama yεn tenabea W’ahengua so
W’ahengua so; W’ahengua so
Woama yεn tenabea W’ahengua so
Wo daa ahenni mu

Yεde akoma kronn na ehyira Wo
Yehyira Wo; Yehyira Wo
Yεde akoma kronn na ehyira Wo
Awurade Yesu

You gave us a refuge at in Your side
In Your side; in Your side
You gave us a refuge at in Your side
In the wounds at Your side

You gave us a place upon Your throne
Upon Your throne; upon Your throne
You gave us a place upon Your throne
In Your Kingdom

With pure hearts, forever we bless You
We bless You; we bless You
With pure hearts, forever we bless You
Lord Jesus Christ
Ma mayε Onyame ba
Wo gyee me fii bɔne nkoasom m’
Sε memmεyε W’adwuma

M’anidaso ne Wo, Awurade
M’ahoɔden ne Wo, Awurade
Awurade ne m’anidaso
Awurade ne m’ahoɔden

2. Honhom Kronkron no te me mu
Ma me daa nkwa anidaso
Otu me fo, kyekye me werε
Kyerε me kwan a memfa so

And made me a child of God
You saved me from the bondage of sin
That I may do Your work

My hope is You, Oh Lord
My strength is You, Oh Lord
The Lord is my hope
The Lord is my strength

2. The Holy Spirit lives in me
As hope of eternal life
He counsels me; He comforts me
Shows me the way I should go
Tr. of  «Wofrεε  me fii” 

Wεn w’aso na bue w’akoma m’
Yehowa abεsra wo
ɔde N’asεm nam N’apaafo so
Wo na ɔhwehwε wo

Mpirim w’akoma sε woto Ne nne yi
Bra ne hɔ na эbεgye wo nkwa
Nnε yε adom bere ma nnipa nyinaa a
Wэhwehwε nkwagye

2. Saa adom bere yi εrentena hэ daa
Ɛrenkyε Iesu bεba
ɔreba abebu wiase yi atεn
Na  Wasεe N’atamfo

Listen well and open Your heart
The Lord has come to You
Through His servants He brings His word
He is looking for you

Do not resist when you hear His voice
Come to Him, He will save your life
This is the day of grace to all who seek salvation

2. This day of grace won’t last forever
Soon Jesus comes again
He comes again to judge the world
And punish all His foes

Yεaba W’anim yi
Yεte Won an ase yi
Woyε ‘Nokwafo
Yεn kra Boafo

Wo ne W’apaafo ahoɔden
Wo ne W’apaafo ahoɔden

2. Yah, bra bεboa yεn
(Ma yεn) honhom mu ahoɔden
Yah, sε Woammoa yεn a
Yenntumi nnyε hwee

Woaka sε Worennyaw yεn
Bere yi ne abere nyinaa m’
Na Wone W’apaafo ahoɔden

We are before You
Right here at Your feet
You are so faithful
Helper of our souls

You are the Help of Your servants
You are the Help of your servants

2. Lord, come and help us
(Give us) strength in the spirit
Lord, without Your help
We can do nothing

You have said You’ll never leave
In this and every time
For You are the Help of Your servants

Yεahu Wo, Awurade
Wɔ akwan bebree mu
Enti yenim Wo
Woada Wo ho adi
Wɔ W’asεm mu
Woada Wo ho adi
Wo nnwuma mu
Woada Wo ho adi
Wɔ yεn som mu
Woada Wo ho adi
Mmere bebree mu

We have seen You, Oh Lord
In various ways
That is why we know You
You have revealed Yourself
In Your Word
You have revealed Yourself
In Your works
You have revealed yourself
In our service
You have revealed Yourself
So many times

Yεayε krado sε
Nea Wobεka na yεbεyε
Yεasiesie yεakoma
Ama Wo pε nko
Yehowa, Wone yεn Boafo
Yehowa, Wone yεn Boafo

To do what you will say
We’ve prepared our hearts
For Your will alone
Jehovah, You are our Helper
Jehovah, You are our Helper

Yεkotow Wo, yεsɔre Wo
De yεn koma nyinaa dɔ Wo
Wo na Wo dii kan dɔɔ yεn nyinaa
Wo nko ara ne Onyankopɔn

2. W’ayeyi rempa yεn anum da
Wo ne yεn Awurade, Jesus Christ
Wowɔ hɔ nnεra, nnε ne daa
Wo nko ara ne Onyankopɔn

3. Yεde yεn ho nyinaa ma Wo
Gyae yεn pε mu koraa ma Wo
Wo na Wone yεn wɔ hɔ daa
Wo nko ara ne Onyankopɔn

We bow before You, worship You
With all our hearts, we love You, Lord
You were the first to love us all
You alone are the Most High God

2. Your praise will never leave our lips
You are our Lord, Jesus Christ
You were, You are and You shall be
You alone are the Most High God

3. We give ourselves to You
We surrender our will to You
You are always with us
You alone are the Most High God

Yesu ahyε yεn bɔ sε
Yεhwehwε N’ahenni
Ne Ne trenee kan a
Agya N’ara bεhwε yεn
Ɔde nea ehia yεn nyinaa
Bεka ho ama yεn
Yεagye N’adi ahu sε
Ɔyε Ɔnokwafo

Ɔmma yεn nea ehia yεn
Ɔmma yεn nea ehia yεn
Ɔmma yεn nea ehia yεn
Ɔmma biribiara ennhia yεn

2. Yεwɔ bɔne nkoasom mu n’
Yesu see yεn sε
Yεmmra ne nkyεn
Na Ɔnoaa bεma Yεahome
Sε εfa Ne kɔndua
Sua N’akoma mu
Ahobrεase ne ɔdwo a
Yebenya ahome

Jesus gave His word:
Would we seek His Kingdom
And His righteousness first
The Father will care for us
And He will add
All that we need
We have believed and seen
His faithfulness

And He supplies all that we need
And He supplies all that we need
And He supplies all that we need
He won’t deny what we will need

2. We were slaves to sin
When Jesus called to us
To come unto Him
And He will give us rest
To take up His cross
And learn as He is
Gentle and humble
For rest for our souls


  1. Beautiful. More grace Pastor. Looking forward the audios will be ready soon.

  2. Beautiful. More grace Pastor. Looking forward the audios will be ready soon.

  3. God bless you so much. Great job.

  4. Thanks for the very kind and encouraging comments. I am working on the audios.A few are available on line though.

  5. Thanks for the very kind and encouraging comments. I am working on the audios.A few are available on line though.

  6. GOD bless you very much with more of HIS Grace upon you in JESUS' Name.


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