"Don't even start!", I instinctively replied to the thought that seemed to have dropped into my head from nowhere. I didn't put it off completely anyway, because I sooner knew where it had come from.
Take it like I'm not asking you directly, but rather any of those who had to say an 'early goodbye' because of Covid-19. Were they prepared for death, and are you?
I know the question I'm asking is a taboo so far as the human race is concerned. We are all about life, and that is what we live for (Ecclesiastes 3:11 says God has planted eternity in our hearts). We are wired not to factor in death, at least not by way of losing life forever. Unfortunately, the absence of ALL our ancestors from the land of the living, as we know it, tells us that death has factored us ALL in already. And there is no way any of us can beat death, until we also factor death in too. How do I mean? Prepare to die.
I'm glad you are still reading, because there is only one right way to beat death. The wrong approaches have been those of SCIENCE and WEALTH, which aim at STOPPING death for those who are still alive. They have nothing for those who are gone, and sometimes wouldn't mind sacrificing some of those who are alive now for that purpose. RELIGIONS generally tackle the problem through SPECULATION, but there is one which has CERTAINTY.
To beat death, you actually have to prepare to die. You have to prepare to give up this life, then you can live. These assertions are coming from someone who has proved this. "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it," and, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even if he dies".
By now you have figured out that we are talking about the only person who died, resurrected and is still alive, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. (Matthew 16:25 John 11:25)
What does He mean LOSE YOUR LIFE FOR HIS SAKE, since that is the only way He guarantees LIFE, which He calls ETERNAL LIFE (John 3:16)? He means turn your back on all your sinful ways (selfishness, stealing, and all other forms of Godlessness) and put your full confidence in Him as your Savior and Lord. Savior, because He has taken the full punishment for all your sins, and Lord because He is the only one you would henceforth obey absolutely.
That is LOSING YOUR LIFE, and that is the PREPARATION FOR DEATH. And it is the only way to BEAT DEATH. Make your decision today.


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