It is alarming how the teaching and mis-teaching of the many versions of Election/Predestination often get prioritized over the preaching of the Gospel entrusted to us. It is like we want to write our examinations with apÉ” or answers from illegally obtained marking schemes!
Apostle Paul's summary of the matter should be enough to tell you all that it's about for now:
"In regard to the Gospel they [Israel] are enemies for your [gentiles] sake, but in regards to election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers." (Romans 11:28)
My caption is the advice the Lord Jesus Christ gave to Peter when he tried to pry into the (PRE)DESTINY of the disciple whom the Lord loved, in John 21:22:
"If I want him to live until I come back, what concern is that of yours? Follow me!"
But some wouldn't listen to the Lord's admonishing and they ended up spreading some wild speculation around that John would never die. Is it any stranger that those who read Paul's and Peter's works on how God chooses people like He did Israel, looking to see what would happen to who tend to come up with a thousand weird doctrines?!
Our focus should be on that for which we are beloved, THE GOSPEL, which is the power of God unto salvation both for the Israelite (Jew) and the Gentile (the rest of us). And concerning that, the Lord said:
"Repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all nations." (Luke 24:47)
We are called to preach the Gospel, first and foremost, and it is highest priority. Prying shouldn't occupy us at all. What concern is it of ours to know whether or not God has elected some people to whatever? Let's keep following in the Lord's footsteps and proclaim the good news in every nation to every creature.


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