"Make your call and election sure" 2 Peter 1:10
Election as is used in the Bible refers to the choice of God, and is related also to a call, which in today's language will mean appointment. The general tone of election in the Bible refers to how God chose Israel (or from among Israel) as a pioneer nation people in beginning to teach the saving knowledge of God, and how He has chosen the latter generations through whom to manifest Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 20:5, Acts 13:17, Romans 11:28).
A call or calling in the New Testament refers to specific personal appointments to operate in the complimentary gifts of the Holy Spirit, and it is important that a person knows this and plays his or her indispensable role in the Body of Christ (Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 1:1; 12:8-11, Ephesians 4:11 - 12).
The Importance of Knowing And Holding Your Calling - the Case of Moses and Aaron in Exodus 32
Moses and Aaron were in leadership of Israel from the liberation from Egypt and on their way to the Promised Land. When the Israelites, numbering some 600,000 adult men and their families, got to Mount Sinai, God gave them the 10 Commandments. The people were so terrified that they begged that God should not continue to speak to them directly, but through Moses as before. Moses therefore left the people in the hands of Aaron and went up the mountain. The crisis that ensued gives us good lessons about holding our callings.
Aaron Follows and Misleads the People
The Lord had spoken the Law clearly to the people, prohibiting idolatry and nine other conducts before Moses ascended the mountain. However, at the People's request Aaron rather readily and fragrantly breached this, made an idol for the people and they called the idol "the gods that brought us out of Egypt". Aaron underestimated his place as a custodian of the People at that time, and his mis-leadership led to the deaths of some three thousand of the people eventually. LESSON: Don't joke with your calling. Lives depend on it.
Moses Intercedes for the People
Moses saved the whole nation through intercession. An intercessor takes the sides of both the one who sent him and the one to whom he is sent faithfully without compromising either's interest. Moses never for once abandoned his appointment, end even offered his own eternity to secure the people entrusted to him. That is a very clear understanding of a calling. He saw that, without his intervention the people would fall in the hands of God,and so long as the same God had given him the position of shepherding the people, he would wouldn't abandon them. And the Lord was pleased with that. LESSON: Give your life for it. God is counting on you.
Moses Breaks the Law Tablets
At the time that God alerted Moses of the misconduct of the people, He had already inscribed the words of the Law on tablets for Him. Moses' first reaction upon arriving at the camp was to break those divinely engraved tablets. He was not immediately rebuked for this, but eventually God prevented him from arriving at the Promised for the display of a similar attitude. His charge was, "You did not believe me, to hallow me in the eyes of the people". (Num. 20:12). To hold your call, you must always remember that your place is always under the God who called you, and NEVER OVERRULE His specifics or conduct yourself in anyway that can dishonor Him, no matter how upset you become.
Moses, though called the humblest person in all the Earth at that time failed to hold his calling because of a display before the people that appears not to have held the word (and probably the Holy articles) of God always in reverence before the people. LESSON: Always present yourself as a SERVANT of God for the people, however critically God is using you.
Aaron Humbles Himself
After conducting himself so abysmally, Aaron took advantage of the opening of grace created through Moses' intercession, and began to humble himself. He began to call even Moses lord, and was all pleas, albeit somewhat devious too. Probably, as a Levite he also chose his position on the side of those who were on the Lord' side. Some of the Levites didn't show similar humility or repentance and were destroyed that day. To hold your call, should you ever slip, as can come with the territory, crave and use every opportunity to restore yourself under the hand of God. He will always pardon the repentant, though it is still His right to discipline and make an example of you as He chooses. LESSON: Keep the fear of God before you and repent when you are found wanting. You are never too big to repent, so long as you are never too big to fail.


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