(Economy African Cereals and Tubers Edition)
1. Gari (roasted milled cassava)
Champion - can be prepared to be eaten with soup, stews or sugar. Stores quite well and has earned a lot of respect across West Africa.
2. Kyekyire (milled/powdered roasted dry corn)
1st Contender - can be prepared and eaten with sugar, soup or stews. Is usually in contention with tom-brown (which is not locally produced). Significantly durable, but usually priced higher than gari.
3. Akple (milled/powdered dry corn)
2nd Contender - can be prepared to be eaten with soups, stews or sugar, but may need regular drying to stay healthy. People prefer to keep dry corn to transform into Kyekyire or konkonte as the need arises.
4. Kokonte (milled/powdered dry cassava)
High ranking - to be prepared and eaten with soup or stews, but not sugar. Is a great substitute for the very popular but highly perishable fufu. Significantly durable is well-dried, and not as high in price as gari.
5. Powdered plantain, yam or cocoyam
Ranking - can easily be ranked with Kokonte, but are less well know at the moment. But their prices will quickly overtake that of Kokonte if they are available side by side under lockdown conditions. This is because in their undried forms they are generally better respected than cassava. For example, plantain chips which are just deep-fried plantain slices sell far higher than gari.
NB: In 1983/84 we stopped discriminating between kontomire and cassava leaves in Ghana.


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