He is in danger of hell fire. That is for sure. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a footstep. God is not in the business of excusing sins. He is in the business of forgiving those who repent and seek forgiveness. Do not take Him for granted, neither let anyone take advantage of you when you slip, nor give room to the devil by hardening your heart.

Sinners' Response
We know those who are in the business of bold or intentional sinning. They repeat it as a way of life. Some insist it is necessary for survival. Some insist they have been cursed with it, and there are even those who claim to have been abandoned and indeed appointed to it by God. These are called SINNERS, as we were. They err terribly in those claims.

We Know What is Right and What is Wrong
God in whose image we are created is holy. And so are we even in conscience right from our creation long before the Law was given through Moses. He held Adam accountable, as He did Cain, Enock and indeed every individual before and after flood that wiped the entire Earth clean because of sin. He holds every individual accountable to this day.

The School of Reconciliation through Atonement for the Repented
Under the Law God taught Israel, and through them the whole world, of the necessity of an atonement to take the punishment for sins and make His total reconciliation with a repentant person possible. He doesn't play with sin. He doesn't excuse it. It must be paid for.

Repentance and Atonement Under the Law
So when a person sinned (unintentionally, as is largely provided for under the Law of Moses), upon realizing his guilt, he is required to provide a compensation with which the priests made atonement for Him. This is a strong public admission of guilt that supposed a commitment to refrain from repeating whatever the trespass was. Although this atonement was not perfect, it held the place waiting for the perfect atonement to be made in Christ. (Lev. 4-6, Heb. 10:4)

Of Punishment without Atonement
Generally, prior to the making of atonement through the priests, God himself would begin to exact prohibitive punishment on both the individual and his associates (probably for turning a blind eye to sin) until the sin is found out and punished as required. God is holy.

Christ is the Only Atonement
When Jesus came to suffer and die, He provided in Himself a one-time atonement that is truly efficacious for all time. Whoever finds himself guilty before God can provide no equal compensation for making atonement than what God has provided for all humanity in Christ. (Heb. 9, 10)

The Christian is One Who Has Repented of Sins
The Christian is a person who upon realizing his guilt before God has sought to escape due consequences through the atonement God has made in the death of Christ. (Others seek other means of atonement or fail to forsake wrongdoing altogether). His turning to Christ is a personal and public admission of guilt, abhorrence of his conduct and eschewing of the character that made him guilty in the first place.

Atonement for Only Those Who Need it
The benefits of Christ's atonement kick in for those who demonstrate the need for it, namely those who want to escape the consequences of sin (namely displeasure of God for now and eternal suffering after death) and have therefore quit sinful living. They have become friends of the Holy God, indeed His children and followers of the sinless Christ in character, conduct and mission. (Matt. 10: 38-39)

Fear of God's Wrath Against Sin is Always Necessary
When such a person sins, finds himself lying or stealing, etc., he is supposed to be twice terrified than as before! Was he not once in danger of God's wrath and eternal damnation because of these same acts? Did he not flee them in seeking refuge in Christ? Would God take his earlier confession and professed turnaround (now no longer backed by actions) as sincere or mere bluffing? Trembling is his lot, not a room for excuse, or pretension! (Acts 5:1-11; 8:9-24)

Confessing to Others and Exploitation
People in this state have been known to make even confessions of guilt to others and sometimes institutional priests. Some of the latter have been known to seek ways of exploiting such situations be extracting their own additional atonement and penance! Otherwise, confessing to other Christian was a rehearsal (not a substitute) for confessing to God. (James 5:13-20)
Where the sin involved injuring or misleading another person, admission of guilt to the injured and even restitution is necessary as redress (Matt. 5:23, Luke 19:8).

A Matter Between a Father and His Child
But when a Christian sins, as in when a child sins against his father, as terrified of God as he rightly becomes, God is still his only REFUGE. Come before Him alone He must, trembling and all. In Christ all is past human intervention such as the priests under the Law of Moses. The matter is between God and His child. The prodigal child of God must come and make his own redress declarations before his Father, and cast himself on His mercy (Luke 15:11-24). Apostle John gives a hint of what happens soon afterwards, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1John 1:9


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