(Discipline in the Church)

"Hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord."

1 Corinthians 5:5 NIV

The principle of disciplining an erring member of the church is deeply rooted in the Scriptures.

God eventually uprooted the Israelites from the Promised Land as part of His strategy of preserving a remnant of His elect (servants).

Jesus rebuked Peter, and also allowed a rich seeker to walk right away for insincere repentance.

Paul writes that the principle of getting rid of all leaven when the Passover lamb is sacrificed applies in disciplining, even expelling, people who claim to be Christians but retain immorality.

Such discipline/expulsion is meant to let them realize they have gone too far and are in danger of perishing if they do not repent fully.

Some would argue that sending immoral people out of the church or limiting their fellowship (suspension) amounts to handing them over to Satan.

If even a person is handed over to Satan (if such a thing is possible or practicable), Satan's worst action would only be to destroy the body (as Jesus said). Only God is able to send both body and spirit to hell.

Thus, physically, at worst such a person can suffer some mental, financial or health distress. But these are the same things that God ordained for sinners as a means of turning us around.

The church does not always expel. It expels  only people unrepentantly engaged in grievous and public sins. Otherwise, we teach, counsel, caution, rebuke and suspend.



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