1. The relegation of evangelism from the
forefront of the church's mission
2. The teaching that the work and
manifestation of the Holy Spirit ceased in the first century, and that all
manifestations of spiritual gifts today are fake
3. The teaching that some were pre-destined
to be saved and some to damnation, and therefore preaching the Gospel to the
unsaved is not the critical Christian mission
4. The elevation of so-called church
tradition over Biblical truth and narratives
5. The insistence on observance of certain
days or rituals as necessary for salvation (either in addition to or in place
of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ)
6. The elevation of feelings and personal
visions/perceptions above Biblical truth in determining the voice of God or the
Holy Spirit.
7. The loss of trust in the Apostolic
structure of the church, or the teaching that the church no longer produces
Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors/Bishops/Elders to equip new
and growing members of the church for the work of ministry
8. The de-emphasis on holiness and on the
church's authority to discipline every erring member (or leader) using
modalities ranging from open rebuke to excommunication
9. The exclusion of the general membership
of the church from the work of ministry, insisting on some special clerical
qualification before members could preach or even share the Gospel with others
10. The exclusion of certain categories of
church leadership from accountability
Paul: For there must in fact be divisions
among you, so that those of you who are approved may be evident. (1 Corinthians
11:19 NET)
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