Empowered in Christ

 EMPOWERED IN CHRIST (Ponder over the Elements of our Empowerment)

1. HIS NAME (John 1:12, John 14, 13-14, Mark 16:17-18)

a. We become children of God when we believe in His Name

b. When we pray in His Name, He answers us

c. We cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead etc. in His Name, when we go forth as His messengers

2. HIS WORD (John 8:31, Psalm 119:105, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12)

a. His Word is the Light to our path by which we discover God’s perfect will and unfailing promises for us

b. If we live according to His Word, we become His disciples

c. His word is the double edged sword by which we turn others from death to life

3. HIS BLOOD/DEATH (Matthew 26:28, Romans 5:25) 

Atoned for our sins for the forgiveness of God to take effect when we repented of our sins

4. HIS RESURRECTION (1 Corinthians 15:14, Romans 4:25)

a. Gives us the hope of eternal life: Now, His Spirit, the power of His resurrection, lives in us, the guarantee of our resurrection

b. Is the solid ground of our faith in Him

5. HIS YOKE (Matthew 11:28)

His easy and light yoke replaces our huge burden of false religion, defiled conscience and guilt

6. HIS HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 1:30) 

His Holy Spirit counsels and empowers with ability to live uprightly, Gifts for service, and is with us to take us Home

7. HIS STRIPES/WOUNDS (Isaiah 53:5, 1Peter 2:24)

Our diseases were paid for in His body by the stripes and wounds that He suffered unjustly


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