Seth and Gifty Ofei Badu

The main mode of transmitting Godliness by the people of God is to “teach it to your children” (Deut. 11:19). One survey showed that 9 out of 10 Christians credited their family influence with their conversion and commitment to the faith. Most parents would not hesitate to assert that the chief object of their endeavors is the well-being of their children. With this acknowledgment, their attention needs to be drawn to the fact that they can bless their children no better than introducing them effectively to their God. Indeed, if all they ever do for their children is make them part of the Kingdom of God, they would have given them the greatest treasure of their lives (See Mt 13: 44). The family altar or family devotions is the most effective means of facilitating the building of strong Christians, and it has several other benefits for evangelism and community life. The Lord showed His strong approval for this when He frowned of family members who appeared to excuse themselves from sitting at His feet together because of seeming more pressing needs (See Lk 10:41, Mk 3:33). The following are brief suggestions on how to start one or make it effective in your home, by establishing its relevance, planning a suitable schedule and protecting it from distractions.

A. Establish Its Relevance

ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE: The essence of the family altar is to recognize and give thanks to God their Savior, Father and Lord. Its foundation is gratitude, that in all things we owe Him daily thanksgiving, a sacrifice so dear to Him that He has ordained life and blessings through it. It is the proper handing of the headship of the family to God, an honor no human family head can afford to appropriate.

A HOME SCHOOL FOR THE WORD: Pastors like Timothy got their Bible training from their homes. This was the source of their wisdom for life and formed the bedrock of their Godly character. It is a most powerful Bible school like none other, where family members can ask questions in this friendliest of atmospheres, and preachers cannot escape living by the word they preach.

A COMMUNITY TESTIMONY POST: Church attendance or school devotion does not substitute for this. It is the family’s own testimony to their God in their  community. The flavor of Christians bringing their sacrifices to God wherever they gather is a pleasant odor indeed to the Lord, and many in the community are strongly impacted by such undying faith and honor to God.

A BASE FOR BUILDING ESSENTIAL HARMONIOUS COMMUNITY: This is where the family literally gathers around, and therefore, recognizes the centre of its life, God, who alone is able to hold all diversity together. They learn the beauty of God complementing their personal limitations and harmonizing their strengths. This is very important for personal community involvement, when people learn the value of others, and that no one else is an all-in-all.

B. Plan A Suitable Schedule

MEETING TIME: Choose part of the time of the day when the family is together, either in the early part of the morning or the evening. Let each member of the family endeavor to learn to honor God and respect other members of the family by keeping to the agreed time.

MEETING CONTENT: At least a four-part service should characterize a normal family altar, namely (i) Thanksgiving Prayer and Singing, (ii) Bible Reading and Studying, (iii) Intercession and Supplication, and (iv) Benediction. Family members may be assigned roles in handling each on rotational basis.

MEETING DURATION: It must  not be so rushed an event that people pray and don’t hear from God, or read the Bible, but fail to understand. A 30-minute duration may be considered minimum to allow for 15 minutes study of a brief Bible passage, 7-minutes thanksgiving and 7-minutes intercession. When extremely hard pressed for time, the family must endeavor to allot what minimum time they have for thanksgiving first and prayer for a pressing need at least once a day. But it is unhealthy for a week to pass without Bible Study, and extended time must be allotted for it for the days it may be skipped.

C. Protect It from Distractions

USING IT AS A FAMILY COURT: The younger members of the family tend to be at the mercy of this distraction, and may therefore be put off from effective participation. A different time must be found to settle troubles, as the brief time of devotion must be entirely used for its precious purpose.

DOMESTIC CONFLICT OVERHANGS: This usually affects the adults, especially the parents, one of whom may be nursing some neglect or offence suffered from the other. Each must endeavor not to use withdrawal from the family altar as an avenue for redress. Rather they must attend and participate as an act of honor to God and an expression of confidence in Him who is best able to resolve conflicts.

SEEMINGLY MORE PRESSING NEEDS: These usually come in the form of job requirements, unplanned visitors, and health emergencies. The first must be studied and duly planned for. Visitors who may not be in a hurry to leave may be politely asked to join the devotion first, or attended to quickly in another part of the house by the specific family members they came to see, while the devotion proceeds.

THE DISCOURAGEMENT OF SLOW DEVELOPERS: There may be some family members whose attitudes towards the family altar may appear to discourage its continuation. Such attitudes include consistent lateness, irregular attendance, poor participation, undue interruptions while others are leading and speaking ill of some activities or duration of the altar. These may be either unintended or deliberate. The family head must watch to carefully address these and bring such fellows gradually and gently in line.

CONSISTENTLY EXCEEDING AGREED DURATION: Leaders must always guide the altar proceedings according to the time on the clock, and hence start on time, whether or not all have gathered, and close on time, so as not to disturb other schedules of those who are punctual.


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