In matters of Bible "why?"s, it is always absolutely important to get your answer from the Bible or just obey and trust that the consequences will be best.

Before Christ, repentance and forgiveness of sins was preached, and people repented and were forgiven. If they did it in obedience to God's word or directive, God counted it as faith, looking forward to the atoning sacrifice of Christ. People like Cain and Lamech had such opportunity but seemed to have flunked it. People like Abel, Enoch and Noah, certainly turned away from the sinful ways of their forebears and contemporaries and are so testified of in the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Under the Law, animal sacrifices held the fort symbolically for the coming Christ. The uprightness of many who were cleared under the Law, however, seems to leave much to be desired. For example, King David, though touted of God as being a man after His own heart was prevented from building God's Temple because he was a bloody man. And how much can be said for the 300-times husband, King Solomon, who eventually built the temple? You may fruitlessly rope in Mr. "Blameless in righteousness according to the Law" Paul, for he was clearly an accessory to the lynching of Stephen and breathed hatred against the church.

Repentance before and under the Law was of value, but the One in whose name it is secure was promised but had not yet come. None beside Him therefore had the name and the wherewithal to secure it. Who could so perfectly atone as to remove guilt completely between God and man? Who was that guiltless Himself?

So, here comes Jesus the Messiah, the answer to the questions: SINLESS in all His ways. He pays the price once and for all and retires the animal sacrifices COMPLETELY. "This is the New Covenant in my own blood", He declares before His death and resurrection, and here are what it opened the door for:

1. Complete removal of the guilt of those who trust in Him, paving the way for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, giving us power to overcome sin just as He had.

2. Consumation of the hope of all those who lived by faithful obedience to God in the hope of a better resurrection.

3.Compelling personal and daily fellowship with God Himself, as no other mediator is needed any longer, making us grow in the image of Him whose seed now dwells in us.

4. Convinction of the ultimate powerless of death, because it couldn't hold Him down.

5. Launch and rapid spread of the Kingdom of God on Earth: a Kingdom of peace and righteousness that swallows every sword of hatred and human divisions.

6. Deployment of many Gifts of the Spirit, given for doing good powerfully, and accelerate the mission of the Church.

In whose name would you rather preach, and what better message would you have?

Maybe the next best name in which to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins is the Law. No wonder that is what humanity in general does, for which country has laws that are not at least 50% the Ten Commandments- No Murder, No Adultery, No Stealing, No False Testimonies, No Greed, etc.? But does the Law forgive without exacting full punishment? And does the Law provide power to resist temptation, except for the dread of penalty?

The standard of righteousness in Christ exceeds that of the Law. Let us continue to preach repentance and forgiveness in His name.

#NotAshamed of Luke 24:47


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