Main Readings: Matthew 16:18, Genesis 14:18-20, 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 

1. What Does Tithing Do for Me?
This is usually the question that many people seem to be interested in addressing: Will I become rich if I tithe, or will God curse me if I don’t? This message will rather look at what tithing does for the churchWe will see how the Bible teaches that tithing has a role to play in the building of the church.

2. I Will Build My Church
Jesus did not mention tithing when He made the statement about building His church.
However, He stated that HE will build His church, and who is HE? Among other things, Jesus is known as:
• The Christ, 
• The Savior, 
• The Lord, 
• The High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek 
3. Melchizedek
Genesis 14:18-20, Psalm 110:4
The Communion-giving Lord/Priest: the bread and wine given to Abraham symbolizes the body and blood of Christ that was sacrificed for our salvation.
The Tithe-receiving priest: Like Christ not refusing worship, Melchizedek did not refuse the tithe that Abraham offered.

4. Abraham’s Sacrificial Tithing 
a. Abraham gave out of gratitude for the unsolicited refreshment (and probable recognition of the symbols) by Melchizedek
b. Giving a measure is recognition of the receiver’s ownership (of all) 
c. Abraham recognized the Lordship of Melchizedek

5. COMMUNION and SACRIFICIAL tithing still under the Law of Moses
Tithe for priests (Num. 18:21-26), self (Deut. 14:22-27) and the poor (Deut. 14:28,29)
There is no human punishment for non-tithing even under the Law. This shows that the tithe has always remained a willing expression of confidence or faith in God.
In Malachi (3:6-12), God reveals that He Himself determines what happens to those who bear His name and yet fail to so honor Him and His mission 

6. Not Tithe Only under the New Covenant 
a. Tithing acceptable when accompanied with upright living
b. Set offering aside according to how God has blessed you
c. Tithing is acceptable from those who see Jesus as their High Priest
d. When the church accepts to set some people aside from their regular work, it is adopting the Melchizedek/Levitical priesthood model/practice and must bind itself to fully support it.
e. Indeed, our tithing is still for priests, self and the poor

7. Accompanied with Upright Living
Luke 11:42
a. Giving tithes had joined the number of external acts of righteousness by the Pharisees, and were to that extent not acceptable worship. 
b. The Lord, in rebuking them for their wrongful living, did not condemn the act of tithing along with it. 
c. Tithing alone will not justify anyone before God. It is an acceptable sacrifice only from those who have faith in God and walk in righteousness.

8. Give According to How God Has Blessed You. 1 Corinthians 16:1-4
a. weekly collection (in keeping with each person’s income) to be sent to Jerusalem, (Headquarters of the Church then) was clearly to facilitate God’s work. Some have also suggested that, probably it was to support a distressed Jerusalem church at that time (Acts 11:29)
b. This is however a clear indication of working the tithing system into the church...disciples each according to his ability, decided...”
c. They were also not to deny the teachers among them allowances (1 Tim. 5:17-18)

9. Tithing to Jesus, the High Priest 
Hebrews 7: 8-10
a. Abraham was justified by God through faith, and one significant expression of His faith in God is his institution of the tithe (giving at least 10% of his earnings to the Lord for the use of those committed to God’s mission on Earth).
b. We, as Abraham’s children who are also justified by faith, are expected to express our faith in God by giving at least 10% of our income solely to God’s mission through those we have set aside (as it were, to double honor) solely for that (Gal. 3:7)

10. Our tithing is for Priests, Self and the Poor
a. The High Priest, Jesus, through those we have selected from among us to positions of “double honor” in the church (1Tim. 5:17, Heb. 5:4,5). 
b. Ourselves: Because now, we (the church, rather than the ministers alone) administer it as a way of sending people to fields we want to serve the Lord in. 
c. The Poor: Because there are social interventions that are systematically being addressed by the church, such as health, educational and even church infrastructure in deprived communities. 

11. Tithing and Church Planning
When tithes make up the bulk of all offerings administered by the church, the church uses the expertise of some of our members to do the following: 
a. Plan church missionary activitiesinfrastructure development, and social interventions very well.
b. Plan financial management to better deal with difficult times.
c. Audit all use of money in the church to ensure best practices and prevent stealing and other abuses.

12. Do You Pay Your Tithes Regularly and Faithfully?

“Take my yoke upon yourself, and learn of me, for I am humble and gentle in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” – Mt. 11:29


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