The Lifestyle of a Missionary

Missionary is a person who has left his comfort zone in response to God's call to settle among a people of a different culture in order to reach them for Christ through Christlike living and preaching and teaching of the Word of God. 

Biblical theology puts Jesus forth as the prototype and St. Paul models a classical missionary:

  1. Jesus left His glory and took on our entire life (and even our death) upon Himself.
  2. Jesus did not look down upon us, but He didn't copy any of our evil ways
  3. Jesus went about doing (seeking our) good, to the extent that it became very clear that He was not on any selfish mission. He began to shine in selflessness (light of the world) in the power of the Holy Spirit
  4. Jesus preached (to the world) and taught those who believed (His disciples), using the full range of teaching methodologies that ensured that cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains were trained
  5. Jesus gradually entrusted responsibility of His mission to the Disciples as He prepared to exit.


  1. He left Judea and Antioch for the rest of Asia Minor, and used both Jewish and Gentile literature and culture to communicate the gospel.
  2. He took on neither' evil ways (Jewish hypocritical observance of the Law and the gentile idolatry and general hedonistic drifts.)
  3. Paul even served as a tent maker in his mission stations and did several acts of grace, even for those who seemed against him (like the Philippian jailer), and he was ways prepared to preach the gospel.
  4. He preached and taught with the full range of pedagogical approaches
  5. He gave responsibilities

We are all missionaries: Go ye doesn't target off-cultural base personnel only. Even if it did, we're all off-cultural base anyway.


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