God is the Creator of everything. He is merciful, gracious, longsuffering and just. He created mankind and prepared the earth for them to live in. He blessed them with fruitfulness and power over the earth. Mankind dishonoured God, and God cursed the earth because of them. Their sin opened them to death, and God set a date for their judgement.

Mankind could not make peace between God and themselves. They neither repented nor could they do what would atone for the dishonour they had done to God. Therefore, they became more and more sinful.Left alone, mankind would have been condemned to eternal punishment from God. So God moved to save mankind by Himself.

With His meetings with Abraham God showed that sinful man can be changed into a man who honours God. He gave laws to Israel to remind mankind of His will and to teach that man can be saved through the correct atonement. This right atonement would be made by a Saviour, whose personality and work was foretold again and again.

At the right time, the Saviour, Jesus Christ, came, died as the atonement for mankind’s sin, resurrected and has ascended to the throne of God. Jesus started and commanded the church to spread the good news in the power of the Holy Spirit.

THE GOOD NEWS is that God has made Jesus’ death the correct atonement for mankind’s sin, and will freely forgive all who accept that the atonement was made for them: SALVATION is for those who agree that sin should be condemned, and they, once being sinners, now live to honour God


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