1. Create the Rally
Let every member around get involved in praising God: “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues”.
2. Anticipate at least Three (3) Initial Responses
a. Confusion: “How is it that each of us hears them in his own native language?"
b. Limited Interest: “What does this mean?” (How does this meet our needs)?
c. Dismissal and Rejection: “They have had too much wine”
b. Limited Interest: “What does this mean?” (How does this meet our needs)?
c. Dismissal and Rejection: “They have had too much wine”
3. Preach
Quickly clear any grounds for rejection or dismissal, and capitalize on explaining the confusion from the Scriptures to establish the full interest that people must have as follows:
a. Establish the fact that you are worth hearing: “These men are not drunk as you suppose”
b. Reason with the Scriptures as Your basis: “This is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel ... David said about Him (Jesus)”
c. Guide the people to become aware of their sinfulness and its solution only in Christ: “God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ”
a. Establish the fact that you are worth hearing: “These men are not drunk as you suppose”
b. Reason with the Scriptures as Your basis: “This is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel ... David said about Him (Jesus)”
c. Guide the people to become aware of their sinfulness and its solution only in Christ: “God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ”
4. Anticipate a Positive Response after the Preaching
"they were cut to the heart and said... 'what shall we do?'
5. Make an Altar Call
Give clear instructions on what those who want to respond to the message ought to do and the promised benefits:
a. What you should do: “Repent and be Baptised” (and be taught to obey all that Christ has commanded us.)
b. What you will get: “for the forgiveness your sins and you will receive the Holy Spirit”
a. What you should do: “Repent and be Baptised” (and be taught to obey all that Christ has commanded us.)
b. What you will get: “for the forgiveness your sins and you will receive the Holy Spirit”
6. Conclude by Warning and Pleading
Entreat the rest to allow the Lord to save them from the corruption of our generation.
7. Be ready to Integrate the Converted
Welcome them into the church, beginning with water baptism and going all the way to sharing all resources.
#NotAshamed of Acts 2
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