My Colossians
A. Opening: Testimony to the Power of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ
Paul is writing from prison to one of the churches he was
yet to meet, and was probably started or pastored by Epaphras (or Epaphroditus).
They are regarded as a testimony to the fact that the Gospel of Jesus Christ
works everywhere in the world, turning lives around in love and by the hope
that is promised. He prays for their patient endurance that is necessary for
all who will inherit the immeasurable blessings that come through Christ (who alone
is the image and fullness of God, superior to all created authority by being first
to taste creation, the Head of the Church, and the one in whom all
things will eventually come together, 1: 17). It is important that saints join
together in love in order to experience the fullness of what Christ has done,
rather than be divided over traditions and ascetic practices.
B. The Uselessness of Forcing Righteousness
outside the Love of Christ
Traditions and ascetic practices though wise in their appeal
to the senses, have absolutely no power in saving a person from sin (2:23). The
argument is that if traditions, the law or ascetic practices could save or prevent
people from sinning, there would have been no need for Christ to come. Trusting
in them would therefore amount to returning to the slavery of sin, the dominion
of darkness and death. Examples of how some fruitlessly try to force righteousness
out of themselves and others are (2:8-18):
Reasoning Philosophically outside the Word of
Tricking People to Trust in some Christ-less Prescriptions
(Empty deceit)
Requiring the observance of human traditions
Forbidding certain foods and drinks
Requiring the observance of ceremonial periods
(including even the Sabbath day)
Insisting on painful abstentions (ascetic
Insisting on worship of angels
Claiming to have seen visions that require
others to act
C. Baptism Signifies a Break with the Past through
Newness from Christ
Since you have put your faith Christ, who is fully God, consider
the significance of even your baptism in Him (2:12), and you will see that you
are already:
Circumcised (your body cut off, even as the
Messiah was cut off)
Dead to the old/sinful nature (which asceticism,
the law and tradition falsely claim they can tame)
Dead to the elemental forces of the world (ceremonial
requirements, appeal to the senses – Unger, p347)
Cleared of all Guilt defined by Tradition, the
Law or Asceticism (forgiven as you repented and your sins atoned for in the
Messiah’s death).
Resurrected/made alive/born again/sown with the
Seed of God (ref (1John 3:9) to live a new life.
D. Righteousness of Faith Working through Love
Rather, when you set your mind on Christ, according to the
new nature you have received, you will quickly see the need to put away all
conduct that is incompatible with the hope that you have. You will see also
that your religious, ethnic or any other background is of no consequence at all
in living a righteous life Rather, the Spirit of God works in you to produce very
refined character and acts (3:10-12 cf. Gal. 5:22-23). Examples of conduct that
should spring out of those who know their position in Christ and are motivated
by His love are as follows:
They treat one another with love, live in peace
and are always grateful to God
They soak in the Word of God
Wives submit to husbands, husbands love wives,
children obey parents, parents raise children with loving care, workers serve
wholeheartedly, and employers provide fair fare to workers
They are devoted to prayer that is scented with
pervasive gratitude to God
The speak to one another and others with grace
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