My Ephesians

God’s grand plan is to bring all things together in Christ, whether things in Heaven or on earth, whether Jews or Gentiles. It was Paul’s prayer therefore that those who were already in Christ, believers,  would appreciate that they have the greatest estate through time and eternity, and realize what great calling they have received to be early partakers with God in the unfolding Divine scheme.

The revelation of God’s grand plan (mystery) was hidden from previous generations and even the “authorities in heaven” (2:5, 10), and is now being made manifest through the church.

In view of the above, believers are to walk in compassion (not condemnation) towards unbelievers, working to bring them in, seeing that they were themselves unbelievers a short while ago. Also, believing Gentiles should not consider themselves different from or opposed to believing Jews, since Christ preached peace to either group (2:17), and both have received the same Holy Spirit. Furthermore, believers’ differing gifts should make them complimentary and not contradictory of one another in building and preserving the church (4:16)

Walking in the light of being dearly loved children of God who ought to imitate their Father, even Gentiles should end up living lives that fulfill the moral aspects of the Mosaic law: They refrain from lying, anger (murder), stealing, rotten and malicious talk, sexual immorality, greed, indeed all wickedness (4:13). Rather, they expose all works of darkness, live and communicate with one another in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, walk in all humility and equip themselves to snatch souls from the dark world.


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