My Galatians
The letter is a kind of apogee of Paul’s gospel, when he
could not refer to Peter and co. for authority to back his teaching that the
gospel excels the law, and that it is self-defeating to hold the law as the
standard when one comes to Christ. He traces the origin of his message to only
his personal interaction with Christ, though at a point he returned to
Jerusalem to present his message for verification (2:1-2). He repudiated Peter’s ceremonial separation as
contradictory to the gospel of Christ who embraces all nations without
discrimination (2:18).
Paul asserts that those to whom the law was given could not
uphold it perfectly and are therefore under the “curse of the law” (3:10).
Salvation has therefore always been by faith, and not by the law which came
several years after God’s covenant promise to Abraham.
The purpose of the law was therefore as caretaker until the empowerer came (3:18,21). If
righteousness by the law could give life, there would be no need for Christ to
come. Just as the Jews were held under the law till fulfillment of the promise,
so were Gentiles held under the elemental forces (that are not divine), and
both (Jews and Gentiles) are received by God as sons through Christ.
As adults who have received their inheritance, it is
fruitless and infantile to return to the control of their guardians – the said guardians
being the law and the elemental forces for Jews and Gentiles respectively. The
Galatians, in Christ had already started living this “responsible adults” life
in Christ (4:15), until false teachers came to exhort them to rather seek
ceremonial righteousness under the law.
Using Sarah and Hagar as illustration, Paul states that,
ironically, Israel rather is Hagar and her children slaves who persecute the
free children of the Heavenly Jerusalem (4:9).
He tells the Galatians to observe the incapacity for
righteousness of those who insist on ceremonial righteousness and contrast it
with the exceedingly beautiful life in the Spirit, which springs untaught from
within, and choose the latter
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