Content for Our Television

Our calling is clear and we must never lose sight of it: To make disciples of all nations. This must show clearly in the long run in every venture we undertake. We must also care that the end does not always justify the means. Our TV or media therefore must always be clean, both advertently and inadvertently. We must resolve from onset that we will not take over the job of ruling this country: our well groomed disciples or people impacted by our ministry can easily do that, while we focus on the higher job of making disciples of all nations: Our kingdom is not from here. If we carry on our mission here very well, we will not need to step in to do governance by ourselves.

Our assignment is to make disciples of every nation. The first wave commenced in Jerusalem, through Judea, across Samaria and to the ends of the world. Several waves of the move have followed. We must be prepared for our wave, perhaps, it will herald the Lord’s second coming:

Two broad challenges face us: the Gates of Hell and the wolves in sheep skin. Both are no match for the advancing church. The Gates of Hell represent nations and systems willing to even kill to stop the Prince of Peace from enforcing the liberty he purchased for every soul. The wolves in sheep skin are charlatans who take advantage of the demolition of the Gates of Hell at a place to set up shop to drag the King of kings’ name into disrepute, slowing down His disciples’ advancement to hasten the harvest.

We must prepare to be innovative: Many developed countries that started as Christian compromised on the way, and the salt is not too well felt now. Our construction must therefore not follow exactly theirs. Let is turn to the Bible again and again, and tackle the mission in a fresh new way dynamic and enduring , breaking new grounds and setting massive globe-shaking new trends.
We must prepare to be bold: Yet to be understood new trends will attract torrents of flack from naysayers and doubters. Liberating winds will cause staggering status quos to swing wildly in our direction. They will say as old: “Bring not Jesus into this matter, we dealt with him in our own way not long ago. Let the resurrected one remain dead!” We must speak the Word even more be boldly, as the Lord stretches forth His hands to save.

We must prepare to be consistent: Our message is still one: Jesus wants to save you! In this we cannot be passive. We must come at people with this, no matter the angle we come from, they must feel the heat of His great love. Our willingness to suffer for others to be set free must be consistent. Our willingness to turn the other cheek must be consistent, our willingness to live up to the standards of Matthew 5 – 7 must be consistent
Now here come the army of programming ready to burst forth
Even while they are at school, hundreds of members are already gifted writers, actors, and singers ready to take on musicals, documentaries, journalism, drama, movies and skits as ministry and therefore for free. This pool must be tapped into immediately, and given ownership of the screen under guidance.
2.      By the time they are out of school a professional crop would have started to brood. Explosive new screen disciple makers will burst forth.
3.      Interactive programs should mingle with the yet to be saved creatively to dampen their Christophobia

4.      Focus on Ghana
5.      Facts GH
6.      Frontiers: Documentaries on Internal and External Missions
7.      Topics dying for down to earth exposition/explanation
a.      Salvation: Saved from What?
b.      Salvation: What about the “other ways”?
c.      Salvation: What motivate people to choose “Other ways”
d.      Church Image:
                                                    i.     Docile or Just Circumspect in Public Discourse
                                                   ii.     Finance: Tithing and Financial Responsibility
                                                  iii.     Prayer: When is it time-Wasting?
                                                  iv.     Indoors Messages: Just Trying Other Explanations for Members Misery?
                                                   v.     Politics: How far can church leaders go?
                                                  vi.     Politics: How far can church members go?
                                                vii.     Education: A Revival of Church involvement (Documentary)
                                               viii.     Focus on Christian Politicians, and their disciple making practices
e.      Which Covenant do You Claim?
f.       Traditional or African Religious Christianity?

We are not desperate: Our panellists must never be hastily picked. Delivering it as ministry, they must be given time to study their topics, be previewed, and then put on the spot only when they are ready.


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