Priscilla and Aquila are the most prominent couple mentioned in the NT.
1.     They were noted together as being tentmakers (Acts 18:2-3)
2.     They accompanied Paul together on His journey from Corinth to Ephesus (Acts 18:18)
3.     Together they taught Apollo about Jesus beyond John’s baptism in their home (Acts 18:26)

Why were they so as one body in everything? Would you like your marriage to be like theirs?

The closest illustration of the relationship between Christ and His Church is marriage. A good marriage therefore illustrates the Gospel. The Gospel is the good news that Christ died for us that He might show Himself in us.

Paul teaches how a good marriage preaches the Gospel in Ephesians 5: 22-33

1.     Christ gave himself for the Church –husband surrenders independence to stick to one wife
2.     Christ continues to demonstrate His love to His Church by cleansing her with His word – husband continues to groom his wife by gently providing her direction (as unto a weaker vessel 1Peter 3:7)
3.     Christ did not prefer His own body to the Church – husbands should also not love themselves better than they love their wives
4.     The Church submits to Christ in all things – wives must submit to their husbands in all things
5.     Christ is honoured above all by the Church – wives must obey their husbands, not shying away from calling them lord, in faith (1 Peter 3:6)


If our marriages succeed, it is a great illustration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The mindset of marriage should be mutual self sacrifice for the wellbeing of one as for the honour of the other. If our marriages fail, we miss a great opportunity to illustrate the Gospel with our lives. Let us marry with purpose.


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