Main Readings: Lev. 6: 8 – 13, 2Pe. 1:3-11

A. Introduction
The fire on the altar is fire that God gave for His work to be done. Apparently it was responsible for all the work to be done in the temple, namely for burnt offerings, incense offerings (See Lev. 10:1) and lighting the lamps in the temple. Fire in the incense altar and the lamps could go out (Exodus 27:20, 21; 30:7,8, the lamps only had to burn from dusk to dawn and the incense was burnt at dawn at dusk), but fire on the burnt offering altar had to be kept burning throughout the night (Lev. 6: 9) and throughout the day (Lev. 6:12,13). From that the fires for the other duties were set again and again.

B. How to Keep the Fire Burning
• On the Burnt Offering Altar: Remove the ashes, add fresh wood daily
• In the Lamp: trim wick, light from burnt offering altar, add oil.
• On the Incense Altar: Take coals from burnt offering altar when ready

C. Similarity between Burnt Offering Altar Fire and Holy Spirit Fire
1. Came directly from God when offering (dead sacrifice in OT and living sacrifice in NT) was ready (Lev. 9:24, Ac. 2:1-4) There are instructions for it not to be quenched (Lev. 6:13, 1 Thess. 5:19 and 1 Tim. 4:14)
2. Came when a dwelling place was prepared in the tabernacle, in the temple. Comes whenever a place is prepared for Him (Lev. 9:24, 2Chro. 7:1, Ac. 2:1-2; 10:44)
3. Works in all temple assignments as the tangible participation of God in His assignments
a. Power (gifts) for service (Joel 2:28, Ac. 1:8)
b. Fruit for living pure to shine in dark world (Gal. 5:16, 22)
c. Guide into all truth (John 16:13)
d. Assist in prayer (Rom. 8:26 Eph. 6: 18, Lk. 9:54-56).
4. Makes the sacrifice acceptable

D. Emblematic Significance
• Tabernacle/Temple: Our bodies
• Fire: Power or Gift of God, Holy Spirit and the gifts He imparts (Presence of God, Active Word of God)
• Ash: Outmoded traditions that formed though the fire was at work and evidence of work that can make us feel like not working anymore (complacency)
• Oil: Spirit of God, significant of remaining attached to Him in waiting and purity that His life will flow through us (Ex 27:20)
• Wood: What would otherwise have been fit only for destruction (i.e., our members, parts of our body and human effort, see Rom. 6:19). When we put our earthen vessels at the disposal of the Gift of God in us continuously He works out His purposes though us and reaps spiritual benefits
• Lamp: Word of God: Our guide through this dark world, until we meet Him face to face in the Eternal Morning (John 9:5, Rev. 21:23)

E. What would happen when the fire goes out?
1. Temptation to use strange fire that will incur the wrath of God against His own
2. Prayer without service soon loses God’s support
3. Holy living for its sake becomes hollow, hypocritical and following of form without substance


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