Matthew 11: 28-30

It is in the bearing of the Yoke of Christ that we experience the liberty that He bought for us. He never promised He will get rid of our burdens, except in the bearing of His yoke that we will find rest. Apparently, the burden He was referring to was the huge encumbrances that the Pharisees and Scribes had turned worship under the law into. Even that was lighter, as compared with the forms of worship that preceded the law, namely self-worship, nature worship and spirit worship. Mankind was not free and had no hope of freedom, because the old burden did not set free. The new burden of Christ brought real freedom.

From the passage, here is how the burdens compared:
Old Burden
1. Imposed
2. Heavy
3. Difficult
4. Borne with complaints
5. The Pharisees and teachers, etc. were on their own, beyond imitation. No true humility was required. Just the appearance was ok.
6. No rest was in sight

Replacement Burden (Yoke of Christ)
1. Taken up willingly
2. Light
3. Easy
4. Borne joyfully
5. Involves learning Christ’ gentleness and true humility
6. It brings rest from all that Christ paid for, namely, sin, sicknesses and death

We ought therefore not to forget that, when we came to Christ, we were escaping burdens that were unbearable and leading us steadily to death. He replaced it with His life-giving yoke. He does not impose this yoke, we take it up willingly. We must therefore rid our services to Christ of complaints and false humility and serve willingly and joyfully out of our own initiative.

Where is your replacement burden, what irresponsibility are you bearing willingly and joyfully for Christ? If you have none, your old burden remains!


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