Discipled to Make Others Disciples of Christ

Prepared for PENSA Korle Bu
Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 3:14
God chose having a relationship with and through us as His ultimate method of reconciling the world to Himself.
A.     Another Definition of Discipleship : Called out to Feel, Think and Behave Like Christ to turn sinful people back to God
·        To be like Jesus in Character (Luke 6:40)
·        To be as He is in the world (1 John 4:17)
·        To show you have been with, not just seen, Jesus (Acts 4:13)
o   Se woahu Yesu a ma N’abrapo pa no ntra Wo mu
o   Se m’ahu Yesu yi, mene No betena daa
B.     Why Discipleship as the Method of Calling out, Forgiving and Restoring a Fallen World of Sinful People?
1.      The Power and Deceptiveness of Sin
a.      Sin has such a deceptive attraction that only the sustained demonstration of the fullness of God’s love makes room for conviction
                                                              i.      Patience and non-retaliation
                                                            ii.      Giving
                                                          iii.      Justice
b.      Hit and Run does not transform; Indeed it can harden: The soil ought to be prepared to receive the Word of Life (see the limited effectiveness of preaching alone in the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8: 5-15, and discipleship helps shield from the devil, temptation, cares, riches and pleasures of this life)
2.      Makes room for God who does the work as Partner
a.      A journey into holiness, without which no one can see God, or make Him seen (known) Hebrews 12:14
b.      God makes Himself available, as the Holy Spirit, teaching and empowering the one whose heart is set on discipleship (Jn 16:13; Mt. 28:20;  2Co 6:1)
3.      One Perfect Example or Model to follow
a.      It was God’s Approach in Changing Abraham into a Blessing
b.      Jesus is the only example
                                                              i.      It is the main reason why He lived among us before His atoning work Jn 1:14; Php 2: 5-8)
                                                            ii.      He had a big church, but a smaller band that could watch Him always close with Him (Mark 3:14)
                                                          iii.      Matures in fullness of humility for the maximum impartation of grace
·        Ultimately, the Master washed the disciples’ feet.
C.     The Phases and Responsibilities of Discipleship, which you have to make conscious effort to develop.
Mainly Personal Level
1.      Compassion – Making it possible for people to live with you (Hebrews 2:17)
2.      Intercession – Praying for, not against, evildoers (Isaiah 53:12)
3.      Preaching (Matt. 4:17; Romans 10:14) – Sustaining the Word of Life on your lips through Study, Meditation and Spiced Conversation (Application of the Word to all life’s situations) – Do not be neutral in the face of daunting challenges of moral degradation, sickness and all forms of self-immolations. Give reasons for the hope that is in you, rather than focusing on the negativities, highlight the will and direction of God 
Mainly Church Level
4.      Baptizing in Water – Lead people to meaningful decision and commitment (Romans 6:1-11)
5.      Ensuring Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Watch out for the mark of God’s testimony (John 3:5)
6.      Teaching – Exhort to walk in the steps and take on the responsibilities of the new nature
7.      Sending Forth – Give responsibility to those discipled in pairs (groups), under supervision!

So Jesus began it all by making it possible for us to love and live with Him, so that He would eventually send us off. We, being disciples, ought to begin by making it possible for people to live with us; coming down from all high horses. We must press on to consolidate the work through meticulous and systematic observance of all that He has told us to do. We must live as people under obligation, with humility and joy…for a purpose.


  1. When I got to the first point of the second section, I learnt the lesson of lifetime, and saw the thin line of zealous outburst that made Moses strike the rock twice in the desert. We must all endeavour to remain submitted to the LORD whose message we bear at all times, and NEVER cross that line of indiscreet tongue-lashing and overzealousness. May all our readers and hearers continue to pray with us to see this ministry through.


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