Continue to be a Child (and not an Adult) of God

Joshua Baffoe draws our attention this morning to the fourfold quintessential character of the child of God that makes him or her continue to flourish on earth

There are attitudes which must never be traded for the so called “experience” and “common sense” that rather draw us back and make us useless in the hands of God.

Placing the child before us, in the fashion of Jesus in Luke 18:17 (Truly I say to you, Whoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no way enter into it ), he remarked on characteristics retained by children, but are largely lost to adults:

1. Sense of Wonder: Children know that the world about them is wonderful, and they cannot understand all its workings, and they accept it so, and enjoy themselves in it. In the same way, we need to accept that the Kingdom of God is as beyond our full comprehension as it is precious to us. We need not try and rationalize everything God does for us. We should accept His goodness to us and thank Him always.

2. Gullibility: Children believe even the ridiculous promises that adults make to them, and it does not hurt them: It makes children easy to work with and loveable. The promises God makes to us are fantastic (and I daresay ridiculous, if rationalized with the so called adult mind). But since it is God who has made them promises, we need to accept them, and live without any doubt that they will be fulfilled. In other parlance, such “gullibility” is called Living by Faith in God. We need to hold on to the promises of God. It makes it easier for God to work with us. We must not question His promises, we must accept them. After all they are promises for our benefit!

3. Carefree Demeanor: Children do not worry about where their next meal or clothing is coming from. Is it not the same requirement that Jesus imposes on His disciples in Matthew?

Therefore do not be anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, With what shall we be clothed? Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow; for tomorrow shall be anxious for its own things. Sufficient to the day is the evil of it. (Matthew 6: 31, 34, KJV)

4. Easy Forgiveness: Children quarrel and mend extremely easily. We must return frequently to this practice to revise our attitudes in our relationships. Could it not be that children forgive easily because they do not tie offenses to the nature of the people they are dealing with, but rather to the situation, and therefore wish to retain their friends and get rid of the situation? Let us think about it. And maybe, next time you may interview a child so that we can get their reasons factually.

So this is what Joshua shared with us this morning and for me, it is enough food for thought for my week. Perhaps by the close of the week, I would have recovered more of my childhood instincts as appropriate for entering and living in the Kingdom of God!

You may read also 1 John 4:4 and John 1:12


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