Continuity Ideas

8 August 2011
1. Officers Altar
GOAL: To maintain a warm friendship among officers at the district seat and their spouses, while providing an informal avenue for upgrading their training and prayer lives.
TIME: 4:30 – 6:00 a.m. every Wednesday at Nsuta.
REMARKS: Elder Michael Denteh has been the chairman, but had valuable help from Dare. He may have to be supervised to keep preparing the speakers’ plan. Over the past year, money from the Altar has been used to support an award scheme for the best assembly, pay movement classes proceeds at Area for Witness, Children and PEMEF.
2. Potential Leaders’ Training
GOAL: To consciously train and motivate leaders for the expanding work.
TIME: Thursday night (7-10pm) and Friday dawn (4-30 – 6 a.m.) every Lord’s Table week
REMARKS: It ran from September 2010 to August 2011. The 2011/12 school registration has been done and the first of 12 sessions has already taken place. Some of the participants from remote assemblies sleep at the Mission house (in the guest rooms). For their sake we were inviting pastors from other districts to teach them, sleep over and minister at the monthly tarries every other month. They also help with the monthly tarries. At the last graduation, we had made nine new officers.
3. Monthly Zonal Prayer and Presiding Officers’ Meetings
GOAL: To keep the district prayer fervour and quality teaching exposure, disseminate vital information directly and share feedback with all Presiding Officers.
TIME: Every Lord’s Table Friday 9-12.30 (main); 1-4pm (Presiding Officers’ meeting)
REMARKS: Opening Prayer and worship is open to whosoever will. The only scheduled event is the teaching and ministration. We watch to debunk environmental false doctrines and encourage every member to study the Word no matter what. We share lunch with the Presiding Officers after the main prayers, since they are staying for the meeting. We discuss progress made over previous month and take suggestions. We used to discuss Bible Study progress, but we have not done so in recent months.
4. Progressive Appraisal of Assemblies
GOAL: To get an accurate feedback on all activities, and to motivate balanced growth.
METHOD: We complete Weekly Service Reports, process the inputs with the computer, and display the performance results on our Preaching Plan which is distributed and discussed at the Presiding Officers’ Meeting
REMARKS: We have continuously improved this, and we give the assembly which has progressed most in the past month, one top quality plastic chair (funded by Officers’ Altar and DDF).
5. Infrastructure
GOAL: To complete the Nsuta Auditorium and a chapel for each assembly; and to equip each with the lighting and public address system that will be useful for the work.
METHOD: Annual Offerings are carefully planned by the Local Presbyteries, with some guidance by the District Finance team. 80% of proceeds are used to pursue Local projects, and 20% for projects at the district level.
REMARKS: The 80-20 was partially done last year, and is agreed to be in full swing this October November. With much of our rallies behind us, it will be safe to start encouraging locals to focus on some good fund-raising alongside their follow-up and discipleship efforts for the rest of the year. In our zeal to finish the auditorium, we have not been reserving enough funds from this source to run the district. This must change soon after the auditorium is roofed
6. Movements’ Support
GOAL: To accumulate some funds on standby for emergency needs of the ministries which are not raising enough funds on their own.
METHOD: All assemblies contribute GHC1 each weekly.
REMARK: It must be monitored, as the assemblies rather find it convenient not to pay. Meanwhile it has come in very handy for ministries in need.
7. Rotational Zonal Rallies and Follow-Ups
8. One Crusade a year, preferably in June
GOAL: To facilitate church planting and demonstrate the practice of open air evangelism and follow-up.
METHOD: In 2010 we did it at one location, expensively. In 2011, we did it at 6 locations over three weeks, and we are getting four assemblies started.
REMARK: Every member gets something to do and the community is warmed to our unique presence.
9. Officers’ Appraisal and Regular Review of Postings
GOAL: To keep officers’ performances at appreciable level
METHOD: The source of information for this is the Weekly Service Report (which tells you the rate at which every officer is active) and you can call for tithes records for officers (It is mandatory that officers record their tithes).
REMARK: Use results of appraisals for short-listing people for interviews, and appointments, as it makes officers take it seriously.
10. Electronic Register:
GOAL: To keep a highly efficient monitor of the flock and other human resources available to the ministry.
METHOD: Continuous collection and computerisation of information on members.
REMARKS: We began this formally this year, and it is awesome, as you will see. It does not end as data on members keep changing. Only a fraction of pictures and other data have been collected. The facilities for maintaining this register are available. It is required that names and ages of all souls won, converts baptised, etc. be written also in the Weekly Service Reports as well as in a register kept at the Assembly. Supervision for this must be sustained as the practice is new.

What may be introduced?
11. Bible Study Week in Each Half Year: This may be done for both dawn and evening in every assembly, to help cover the backlog of Bible Study material outstanding from Wednesdays.
12. Marriage Committee – PEMEF – Women Collaboration to hold marriage seminars with a view to motivating members to complete the processing of their marriages. Many of our members are not properly married and even a number of officers have not registered their marriages.


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