Internet Tour

Hi folks:
I know you are tired of waiting for Lesson Sixteen. There are actually twenty-one lessons. I broke off to take a tour of the internet among other things. I attempted downloading one gospel song video from each African country. I came up with 20 countries (about six from South Africa alone), and I am still going. I stumbled upon music by Lundi for the first time. I worked on the translations till I fell sick. I met Webster's Universal Dictionary or something like that and it came up with single word translations in the languages it features. I have learnt some Xhosa and Zulu words, but at the moment they are stuck together in my head, so later...

I tried to make some friends online in South Africa and elsewhere. succes rate is still 2%. One guy called Tumelo Victor has been helpful so far, except that he is not interested in the music I am interested in.

I came across complete audio recordings of summaries of the Bible in severaaaaaaal languages (accuracy eludes me tonight), and was surprised to learn that such a resource is so close by. A number of Asante gospel songs sang ordinarily (I almost hear my voice in them) are featured in the recordings. I was hard put to it finding statistics on how many Christian have read the Bible and how many Muslims have read the Quran and stuff like that...

I came across "creating a public profile" in google...

I will go a-touring again soon, then I will be back to conitnue with the lessons.
See ya!


  1. Keep on exploring! It is one of the most beneficial things to do now. You see, a Pastor should be very resourceful. Most of the things we use to spend much money in buying are now freely available on the net. And it is only by exploring that will help you to know where to go for what, when the need arises. Stay blessed.

  2. Yea thanks for the encouragement. I pray I get more visitors to make this exercise feel worthwhile!


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