Lesson Twelve - Natural Provision Can Be Only Supportive

“Man shall not live by bread alone,…”

Here, Jesus is quoting Deuteronomy 8:3 where God was by the mouth of Moses explaining why he let the Israelites travel through the wilderness where there was no food and He had to feed them directly from Heaven with manna. Bread sustains life, but it does not give life. The source of life is God Himself, and he made food to support life. God Himself lives without bread, and is able to support life without the bread man appears to have become dependent on. Moreover, do people not age and die even in the midst of abundance of food? Food neither raises the dead nor supports life indefinitely. By extension, man does not live by natural provision alone. He has supernatural ability to provide for natural needs even when nature reaches its provisional limits. He fed wandering Israel with manna (Ex 16:14, 15); He fed Elijah by ravens and an angel and sustained him thence for forty days without food (1Ki 71:4; 19:5-8); He sustained the health of Moses against natural aging till his death at 120 years (De 34:7).


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