Lesson Six - Everybody Suffers Want, Even Children of God

…He then became hungry.

After Jesus had consummately communed with God and then turned His attention to His immediate earthly circumstances, he noticed that he was hungry. Hunger is a common sensation of weakness and strong desire for food, sometimes any food, after a long deprivation of oneself of food. The need for food is said to be the most basic of human hunger. The others in succession are the need for clothing, shelter, security, company, acceptance or elevation, and the fulfilment of one’s views of the best social order. Human hunger can therefore be said to be insatiable, since the fulfilment of one predisposes a person to fulfil the next, and such hunger occurs whether the provision to satisfy it is available or not.

In so far as such needs are felt by man he will strive to satisfy them, basically for self-preservation or self-improvement. Such striving opens the door for suggestions from Satan as well. James 4 spells out how some believers, disregarding their identity are drawn into striving indiscriminately to obtain physical provision. Everybody gets hungry. That is to say hunger is a fact of life. As the LORD got hungry, so will we get hungry from time to time.


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