Lesson Four - Every Temptation Has an Agency

… to be tempted by the devil …

The apostle James wrote “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man” James 1:13. There is an agent behind every temptation, and here we learn that that agent is the devil. He it is who when we are in difficulty or in very human situations, proffers enticing suggestions which when we comply with results in our disobeying God. He it is who is interested in our disobedience to God. In 1Pe 5:8, he is called our adversary, or one who contends with us to make our testimony and faith in God come to nothing. He is called, "The prince of this world," Joh 12:31; "The prince of the power of the air," Eph 2:2; "The God of this world," 2Co 4:4; "The dragon, that old serpent, the devil," Re 20:2; "That wicked one," 1Jo 5:18; "A roaring lion," 1Pe 5:8; "A murderer," "a liar," Joh 8:44; "Beelzebub," Mt 12:24; "Belial," 2Co 6:15; "The accuser of the brethren," Re 12:10.

From what we are learning here, we see that God would expose us to him and even grant him permission to prove us, but such suggestions to do evil come not from God, but from Him. At one place he caused King David to number the people of Israel against God’s will 1Chr 21:1. At another place he came through Peter like a friend and the LORD rebuked him by name (Mk 8:33). This is the battle of faith and the enemy is clearly identified as Satan, the old and only enemy dedicated to thwarting the will and plans of God. You should be ready when he comes knocking, or sneaking, or anyhow.


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