Lesson Eleven - The Temptation Killer

But He answered and said, “It is written…”…

Psalm 119: 9 is a classic text for many. It reads: “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.” It captures the life of faith concisely. To begin with, there would be no response to God if He had not spoken; there will be no knowledge of God or His will; and there would be no need to obey Him. All righteousness is known from His Word. How will a person know whether what He is doing is right or wrong? By checking His motives and actions with God’s Word! The laws of nations and human society at every level morph and vary endlessly. For example, in some nations, it is lawful to execute murderers, whereas in others is not. What is the common standard acceptable to God? He leaves us in no doubt about this. His will and mind is written. It is written by men He inspired and spoke to by His Spirit. If a person is in doubt, all He has to do is to check with the written Word. This is exactly what Jesus is endorsing and exemplifying here.

Theologians distinguish between three types of God’s Word: The written Word, the revealed or personally perceived Word and the Spoken Word (as in when people expound the written word or prophesy). The key test for the authenticity of the last two is the first (1 Co. 4:6; Ac 17:10, 11; 2Pe 1:20). If you would do something that is contrary to the expressly written Word of God, beware! It is in this sense that Jesus taught that “whoever shall break one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of Heaven.” (Matt 5:19)

In his answer here therefore Jesus endorses salient principles:
1. The inspiration of text of the Old Testament which some sects wrongly dismiss together with the Old Covenant;
2. The need to study and be familiar with the scriptures in order to have a ready word to act on during temptation; and
3. That Satan’s attacks are not repelled by man’s strength or wisdom but by the Word of God.


  1. Thanks, Pastor. It is very dangerous to superimpose the word of man on the word of God, preachers and prophets should know that if we add anything to God's word, we shall be held accountable one day. Stay blessed.


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