HIS CHALLENGE: [The Bible]  is a book designed to oppress: "slave, obey your earthly masters in any condition πŸ˜† πŸ˜„ πŸ˜‚".

RESPONSE: Abuse of the Bible is not the proper use thereof. It is the excellent book.

HIS CHALLENGE: I will show you someone who disagrees with you. George Bernard Shaw says that "the Holy Bible is the most dangerous book on the earth. Keep it under lock and key. Keep the Bible out of your children's search " Why is The Bible dangerous in Bernard Shaw's opinion?

The only way you can find that out is to read the Bible. Genocide, Rape, Discrimination, Racist, Slavery, Pornography. There's some passages in the Bible you can't read them infront of someone you have respect for.

Ezekiel 23:20-30 is one of them.

RESPONSE: Where is George Bernard Shaw? Where is the alternative to the Bible?

HIS ANSWER: He's dead natural not in a cross (sic). George Bernard Shaw born 26 July 1856 died 2 November 1950. will answer me about the passage now please?

RESPONSE:  You're just quoting sections of the Bible out of context for your own purposes. I copied the entire passage and in context for you. Nothing to be ashamed of. It is graphic prophecy warning of serious consequences for Israel's disobedience to God. I asked you about alternative to the Bible. Shaw is dead and gone where? What will happen to him on Judgment Day? We don't follow the counsel of men who die, except they follow the One who lives forever, Jesus Christ.

HIS OFFER: Here is the alternative: do what these people did and you will be saved. According to The Jerusalem Post, in the United Kingdom and France, up to 100,000 people converted in the last decade in each country. According to Yedioth Ahronoth, Germany has up to 4,000 a year. According to The Guardian, about 5,000 British people convert to [this alternative] every year, mostly women.

Studies estimated about 30,000 converting to [this alternative] annually in the United States. According to The New York Times, an estimated 25% of Americans in [this alternative] are converts, these converts are mostly African American.

Convert to the truth religion. That is the alternative I have for you.

RESPONSE: So, this is your alternative, and you begin by attacking the Bible, which your alternative relies so heavily upon? The book of your alternative names not more than about 50 persons, and only about 10 of them are not already mentioned and spoken of in the Bible. The book of your alternative makes Jesus greater than any person who ever lived, with a supernatural birth, filled with God's Spirit, working miracles, and that He did not die. You shouldn't start by mocking the Bible or Christians.

#NotSoNew #Luke2447


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