No human being is happy doing what is wrong. We are not fashioned to live in sin. It is only the temporary passing pleasure called temptation that gets us. But immediately or soon after, the smile of satisfaction leaves our faces.

"Would your countenance not be bright if you had done what is right?" (Gen. 4)

We plunge into terrible feelings of worthlessness and contradiction whenever we lose control and do what we know to be wrong.

"O wretched man that I am. Who will save me from this body of death?" (Rom. 7:24)

In order for us to live free from the pain of repeating the agony-inflicting acts of sin, God gave us Christ, our Savior and Standard.

"Thanks be to God, through Christ Jesus." (Rom. 7:25)

Forget those assertions that pretend that our default setting is joyful sinfulness! We remain made in the image of God, and will NEVER BE PEACEFUL IN SIN.

Turn to Jesus and live.



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