Lesson One - Trials Follow Declarations

Matt 4:1

Then Jesus …

Jesus was tested immediately or soon after God had declared at His baptism that He is His Son and should be obeyed. This seems to convey to us the sense that any endorsement of our worth, ministry of gifting by God will be swiftly challenged by Satan. We need therefore to be extremely on guard for our faith if God by our hand does any miraculous sign, or there is any prophesy about us. We see typical examples in Job 1, Daniel 4 and Acts 2-4. Satan puts Job through the drill just after God had declared him blameless, and Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego, suffer a trial of their life soon after they had triumphed by refusing the king’s food. In Acts 4, shortly after the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit had done great miracles by the hands of the Apostles, they found themselves before the High priests, pressed to disobey the Holy Spirit.


  1. That is it! I tell you, it's a true revelation. May God richly bless you for availing yourself to be an instrument of blessing to many.
    It is a good stuff! Keep it up!!


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