
Showing posts from July, 2016


A Poem To all the guys and Kuuku Married to a woman who fears God more Than she fears me, what do I have to fear? Since, with all her being she loves God more How will I ever lack genuine acts of love? In the morning she gathers her household At the feet of her beloved Lord Through the day she goes about her toils Solely minded of His pleasure, she smiles Before bedtime, she kneels in His adoration, She supplicates, forgives and intercedes   My name comes up somehow and my place   Is made secure before the throne of grace Were she to fear or love me more than God   She would soon be angry and very afraid That I am unable to care like God would And she would be a heavy load on my head So, my son, this key too I give you: When your time comes to find a wife Look out for a woman like your mother, who Fears and loves God more than she loves you ‪#‎ WhyIfollowJesus‬


My Colossians A.       Opening: Testimony to the Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Paul is writing from prison to one of the churches he was yet to meet, and was probably started or pastored by Epaphras (or Epaphroditus). They are regarded as a testimony to the fact that the Gospel of Jesus Christ works everywhere in the world, turning lives around in love and by the hope that is promised. He prays for their patient endurance that is necessary for all who will inherit the immeasurable blessings that come through Christ (who alone is the image and fullness of God, superior to all created authority by being first to taste creation , the Head of the Church, and the one in whom all things will eventually come together, 1: 17). It is important that saints join together in love in order to experience the fullness of what Christ has done, rather than be divided over traditions and ascetic practices. B.       The Uselessness o...


Hear, Obey and Serve Your Generation  INTRODUCTION  Obeying God is how we prove our love for Him, and it is through this that God works out our full potential from His seed in us. Although God’s seed is in us and we must grow in His image, that cannot happen unless we put our faith into action. This action is motivated and guided by our love for God, expressing itself also through our love for others, both the saved and the unsaved A.                   Hear and Obey what? The Voice of God, of course. And what is He saying? (Our main readings) 1.        Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deut 6:4-5 NIV 2.        If you love me, you will obey what I command. John 4:15 NIV 3.      ...


In the Church but not of the Church When one of my students raised an issue with “TENANTS” of the church, of course, I knew he meant TENETS, but I played along in my mind and soon realized that in fact the church has TENANTS!  TENETS are the established fundamental beliefs of the church, and TENANTS live in houses they do not own.  A quick look at the New Testament shows 10 kinds of CHURCH TENANTS, or people who live in the church or appear like Christians but whose final destinations are doubtful: 1.        THE JUDASES: These people respond to the call to walk with Jesus, and indeed walk with him to the end, but never submit to His corrections and sell Him out when the price is right. (John 12:4-7, Mt 26:8-16) 2.        THE ANANIASES AND SAPPHIRAS: They pledge total support for the church as they see proper, but soon develop cold feet and unilaterally resign to partial commitment (Acts 5:1, 9) ...