
Showing posts from November, 2019


THE IMPORTANCE AND MEANS OF FAMILY DEVOTIONS Seth and Gifty Ofei Badu The main mode of transmitting Godliness by the people of God is to “teach it to your children” (Deut. 11:19). One survey showed that 9 out of 10 Christians credited their family influence with their conversion and commitment to the faith. Most parents would not hesitate to assert that the chief object of their endeavors is the well-being of their children. With this acknowledgment, their attention needs to be drawn to the fact that they can bless their children no better than introducing them effectively to their God. Indeed, if all they ever do for their children is make them part of the Kingdom of God, they would have given them the greatest treasure of their lives (See Mt 13: 44). The family altar or family devotions is the most effective means of facilitating the building of strong Christians, and it has several other benefits for evangelism and community life. The Lord showed His strong approval for this w...


Are we preaching the entire Gospel, or we keep hammering 'favorite' parts and tags that by themselves are eventually powerless to save? INTRODUCTION The chief power of a messenger is His message. The Lord is with us: He is the Word, He is in His Word. Next to the Lord’s visible presence with us is His Word that we have. Propagating the Lord is propagating His Word. If we get His Word wrong – if the light in us turns darkness – we are in trouble. As messengers sent to possess the nations for the Lord He equipped us with His ATONEMENT, HIS EXAMPLE, HIS WORD, HIS SPIRIT – We know and can rely on all these because of His Word, which remains with us as fresh as the first day it was spoken – though Heaven and Earth pass away. A REAL CHALLENGE – THE DECEIVER STARTS WITH THE WORD Like in the Garden of Eden, the first thing the devil attacked and thereby succeeded in exposing Adam and Eve to sin and condemnation is God’s word. What God had specifically forbidden them to do, the...


PAUL PREACHED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING NEW ACTS 13 @ PISIDIAN ANTIOCH 24. Before the coming of Jesus, John preached REPENTANCE and baptism to all the people of Israel. 25. And as John fulfilled his journey he said, “Whom do you think I am? I am not He?” He quotes Psalm 2:7-9 (begotten you today), 55:3 (inherit the blessing of David), 16:10 (see no decay), Isa. 49:6, also Cf. Luke 2:32 38. I want you to know that through Jesus the FORGIVENESS of sins is proclaimed to you. 39. Through Him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from under the law of Moses. ACTS 14 @ LYSTRA 15. We are bringing you good news, telling you to TURN from these worthless things to the Living God. ACTS 16 @ PHILIPPI IN JAIL 31. Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved – you and your household 32. And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all in his house 34. ... Because he had come to believe in God ACTS 17 @ THESSALONICA IN A SYNAGOGUE, LATER TO EP...


PREACHING THE GOSPEL FULLY AND IMPARTIALLY MAIN READINGS: 1John 1:3; 3:1,2, Luke 24:40-49 INTRODUCTION Many of us would all agree on how God’s love found us: He touched us (usually through someone), and it was explained to us afterwards to ground us. We are each expected to proclaim the love of God as we have experienced it through Christ, with the urgency, zeal and enthusiasm of John the Baptist and the Samaritan woman. We are however expected to be well versed in the content and demands of the proclamation. This way we would not end up questioning what we proclaim nor leave our hearers groping for answers we do not have. In this sermon, we would look at God’s love, and study the content and lifestyle required to proclaim it effectively, with the experience of Peter the Apostle as a major reference. GOD’S LOVE: SOURCE AND DESCRIPTION 1. God is Love: He makes a being He can fellowship with, in the fullness of His communicable attributes of HOLINESS, LOVE, WISDOM, etc. The end ...