Paying Attention to the Obvious and Responding Sincerely How efficient our living would be if we would hear the voice of the One who made us, loves us and has etched the purpose of our lives in His palms. But is God hearable? The Bible takes on this all important question in a grand way. First, it presents the Framework for Hearing God, Our Tendency to Refuse to Hear Him, How Satan’s Voice Masquerades as God’s and therefore the Steps We Need to take to Hear God clearly. The Framework for Hearing God’s Voice 1. General Revelation Hearing God begins with our acknowledgment that there is God. Everybody who wants to hear God’s voice must first resolve for himself or herself that there is God, and he basis for such resolution is creation, through which God reveals His invisible attributes of immense power. We therefore stand condemned if we resolve in our hearts to worship any created thing rather than the creator or to put the voice of any created being above that of the C...