Content for Our Television Our calling is clear and we must never lose sight of it: To make disciples of all nations. This must show clearly in the long run in every venture we undertake. We must also care that the end does not always justify the means. Our TV or media therefore must always be clean, both advertently and inadvertently. We must resolve from onset that we will not take over the job of ruling this country: our well groomed disciples or people impacted by our ministry can easily do that, while we focus on the higher job of making disciples of all nations: Our kingdom is not from here. If we carry on our mission here very well, we will not need to step in to do governance by ourselves. Our assignment is to make disciples of every nation. The first wave commenced in Jerusalem, through Judea, across Samaria and to the ends of the world. Several waves of the move have followed. We must be prepared for our wave, perhaps, it will herald the Lord’s second coming:...