
Showing posts from August, 2014


Priscilla and Aquila are the most prominent couple mentioned in the NT. 1.      They were noted together as being tentmakers (Acts 18:2-3) 2.      They accompanied Paul together on His journey from Corinth to Ephesus (Acts 18:18) 3.      Together they taught Apollo about Jesus beyond John’s baptism in their home (Acts 18:26) Why were they so as one body in everything? Would you like your marriage to be like theirs? The closest illustration of the relationship between Christ and His Church is marriage. A good marriage therefore illustrates the Gospel. The Gospel is the good news that Christ died for us that He might show Himself in us. Paul teaches how a good marriage preaches the Gospel in Ephesians 5: 22-33 1.      Christ gave himself for the Church –husband surrenders independence to stick to one wife 2.      Christ continues to demonstrate His love to His Church ...


DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME Main Reading: 1 Co 11:23-26, Exo 12: 1-14 Introduction Just before His death, our Lord solemnly asked His disciples to thenceforth observe the Passover feast in remembrance of Him. Up till then, it was observed in remembrance of the Passover lamb as an ordinance given under Moses. Several times, God asked them to observe the Passover, also called the feast of unleavened bread each year. The people themselves valued it so much that they instituted an annual vigil to mark the night in which they left Egypt (42). Anytime we partake of the Lord’s Table, however, we proclaim that indeed Christ is our Passover Lamb who died to free us from sin. We are free to worship God, free from the power of sin, death, the consequence of sin, and Satan, who controls through sin. What Did the Passover Lamb Do? 1.        It was killed and its blood spread on the doorposts to because the lord had said He would pass over Egypt and take th...