
Showing posts from October, 2013


FREEDOM FROM SIN AND ALIVE TO GOD Main Reading: Romans 6:12-14 To be set free from sin is to be set free from impulse to sin and from the consequences of sin. Fallen man fell on hard times, predisposed to conduct that is harmful to himself and others in disregard to the expressed will of God. For example, Cain murdered his brother in anger and jealousy and spoke back to God disrespectfully (Gen 4:8-9); In the days of Noah, nobody believed any word from God, even up to the flood; In the days of Abraham, the peoples of Sodom and Gomorrah had chosen homosexuality as the standard sexual relations. Through Moses God introduced the law, or the Old Covenant. The people under the law soon found out that they were incapable of keeping it completely and had to resort to regular sin offerings to maintain their relationship with God.  It was only the death of Jesus under the New Covenant that brought permanent freedom from sin and paid for its consequences once and for all. Exposi...


Outreach Methods and Practices – COP’s Biblical Model Acts 20:18-21 I lived among you, As we send the pastor to live among the people so do all our members who have travelled to live in any community consider the lives of their hosts theirs to save: They do not just live there, they also live rightly, as models, as earthly strangers, showing by their lifestyles that they are transformed people. Serving God in humility and with tears... Our lives and activities in the community clearly show that we serve God, not ourselves. Neither had we come just for our benefits, but as missionaries, willing to endure persecution and share in hardships. Proclaiming: (Announcing publicly or formally; to state something emphatically and openly) The message of the Lord is carefully announced regularly in the community, as the population really changes constantly 1.       Public Rallies 2.       Laced Public Concerts an...


Ps Seth Asare Ofei Badu Main Readings: Matthew 25:14-30, Romans 12:3-21 The Lord has put a fountain unto profit within me – His Holy Spirit. At each of life’s decisions and actions I can let it flow, or keep it locked. Most profitable servants of the Lord keep it turned on, because they have learnt that it is by the Lord’s doing that they are good. Others have barely learnt to turn it on, thinking what goodness they have in themselves is for private gain. Today, we have gathered to pray that the Lord will teach us to keep the profit fountain of Divine love, kindness, self-control, service, etc. ever flowing, as faithful stewards. Matthew records Jesus’ Parable of the Talents, and from it we learn of servants whose lives flowed unto profit and of one who resisted that flow. First, what was the nature of the talents or what do they imply in our case? In the parable they are made to appear like money, or some kind of trade capital. Good. What trade capital has the Lord endowe...