
Showing posts from January, 2012

Discipled to Make Others Disciples of Christ

Prepared for PENSA Korle Bu Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 3:14 God chose having a relationship with and through us as His ultimate method of reconciling the world to Himself. A.      Another Definition of Discipleship : Called out to Feel, Think and Behave Like Christ to turn sinful people back to God ·         To be like Jesus in Character (Luke 6:40) ·         To be as He is in the world (1 John 4:17) ·         To show you have been with, not just seen, Jesus (Acts 4:13) o    Se woahu Yesu a ma N’abrapo pa no ntra Wo mu o    Se m’ahu Yesu yi, mene No betena daa B.      Why Discipleship as the Method of Calling out, Forgiving and Restoring a Fallen World of Sinful People? 1.       The Power and Deceptiveness of Sin a.       Sin has such a deceptive attraction that only the sustained demonstration of the fullness of God’s love makes room for conviction                                                               i.       Patience and non-retaliation