To God, it is not Every Giving that is Giving by Pastor Seth Asare Ofei Badu Main Passage: Genesis 4:1-5 Optional Readings: Luke 6:38, Proverbs 3:1-12 Everybody knows that if we want to receive we must give. This is the principle of reciprocity that governs all relationships. There is also general acceptance that if we want to increase, we must give strategically (as by way of sowing and investing). We must invest in Heaven’s way, so that we can reap a harvest called blessings (great things). It seems God will never lack because He is always giving; a divine and eternal principle that we are invited to share in: In the beginning, God made … (Gen. 1:1). For God so loved the world that He gave… (John 3:16). But in our giving will we end up like Cain (the first man to give), or Abel (who gave his first and best)? The Economy of Heaven ΓΌ In the economy of God and His children, everybody has been given something (Body, health, money, etc.), which left on its own will perish with tim...