Final Part (IV) - Marks of Those Who Bear the Good News
MARK 4 - THE GOOD NEWS AND CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. Acts 4:23 Passage: Acts 4:23-35 INTRODUCTION: The mark of a being a member of the Church is not a mean mark of one bearing the Gospel. Many people have gone out of the Church because the Church degenerated to the point where it had lost her submission to the Lordship of Jesus and become just a social club. Such well-meaning people went out after giving several warnings to the body of believers they belonged to. The Holy Spirit vindicated these people’s revival of the Church with ample demonstration of His presence, especially in the three areas we have already discussed: BOLDNESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS AND DEMONSTRATION OF DEPENDENCE ON THE GRACE OF GOD. Meanwhile many others have left the church at the slightest provocation or no provocation at all. Many have become apostates, teaching their own doctrines, and sometimes start...