THOSE WHO WILL BE SAVED WILL REPENT? As harmless as the switch of words seems in this photo, the one marked red is a monumental deception that has been responsible for gross “Christian” apathy and even crimes by supposed liberators. It is at the core of much supposed theological word games like that played by the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and it sucks the urgency and sincerity out of the Gospel mission. Its logical conclusions are numerous, and include the following: 1. The power to repent will be given to those God has planned to save. 2. Our commission to preach is just routine and eventually counts for nothing, and therefore there is no real need to prepare well for it. 3. God has planned to save some and leave some, that is why some, and not all get saved. 4. The only way to tell those who will be saved is to see those wh...