Main Readings: 1 John 3:1-10, Matthew 5:43-45 Repentance and faith in Jesus Christ does not only bring us forgiveness of sins from God: It also grants us the status of being children of God, and results in our nature being transformed to carry His image. We are therefore new creation with the capacity to grow in character to become like God in holiness. In the view of Apostle John who wrote the Gospel according to St. John and the three Epistles of John, if a person fails to show the signs of maturing as a child of God, he may altogether be considered a child of the devil (1 John 3:10). This sermon explores the Biblical concept of the Christian’s growth using the natural analogy of learning to RESPOND TO PARENTAL CARE, RELATING EFFECTIVELY WITH MEMBERS OF ONE’S FAMILY and extending the RIGHT COURTESIES TO THE LARGER COMMUNITY of those who are not YET members of one’s family. THE NEW BIRTH AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The unique phenomenon that marks the Christian faith is that the...