Remember, like us Moses had direct access to the throne of grace. Unlike Israel under the Law, who needed go-between priests, God Himself was virtually priest for Moses. In Moses, we see a clear picture of how God wants us to serve Him and also where we ought to be extremely careful. In this piece, I examine briefly why Moses was such a phenomenally successful servant of God as leader of His people in how he dealt with GOD, HIMSELF and THE PEOPLE; and why he also got one of the most painful reproofs of all time. HOW HE DEALT WITH GOD The Lord God Almighty was the reason for Moses’ mission and source strength. Apparently, Moses started his service to God well by ‘admitting’ his lack of capacity to set Israel free from Egypt. God therefore gave him a demonstration of his power and assurances that He will continue to be with him and guide him each step of the way. All Moses needed to do was to consult Him constantly and to follow every direction He gave him. That should be ...