From the Christian point of view, unbelievers are people who do not live according to faith in Jesus Christ. They may know or even admire Him, but they do not believe He is worth the following He demands. We Christians live among many unbelievers; and an awareness of their types would not only help us maximize our impact on them, but also save us unnecessary heartaches, especially from those who appear to be part of the Church (you may read Ephesians 5: 1-16 for an Paul’s overview). In this write-up, I present briefly the characteristics of the typical believer and discuss six types of unbelievers and how we may live with them. Three Typical Characteristics of the Believer (Based On Mt 11:29) · Salvation-Oriented Lifestyle: They live a life of grateful sacrifice, knowing they have been spared eternal damnation through the sacrifice of Christ, they are compelled by the love of Christ to live and work for the salvation of ot...