Main Reading:Mt. 3:1-12; 5:21-6:9 INTRODUCTION The Baptist’s ministry marked the turning point from life regulated by the Law and tradition to life empowered by the Holy Spirit. Indeed John declared that he was just calling people to a baptism that marked their turning away from the old self-preserving lifestyle. Jesus would take over from there, baptizing them with the Holy Spirit and Fire into a self-sacrificing lifestyle. On arrival, Jesus immediately outlines the character traits of those who will receive His power through believing in Him. In this sermon, we take a brief look at the lifestyle and message of John the Baptist, and examine some key aspects of Holy Spirit enabled lifestyles that characterizes us followers of Jesus Christ. A PEEK AT PRE-CHRIST RIGHTEOUSNESS Until Christ came, God’s people, the Jews were supposed to exhibit the most excellent of lifestyles on the Earth, since they were guided by the Law of God given through Moses. However, even their king...